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"Juniper" Arthur calls from downstairs juniper rubs her blue bruised face as she heads down the stairs.
Her father sits at the table with two thick black eyes and scars over his forehead.
"I need you to go and get us some milk grandma is too weak to go so I need you too" he asks miserably while rubbing the side of his head.
It had been two days since they were kicked out of the courthouse and beaten to a pulp by Marley guards they were not allowed to testify but they were extremely lucky to be alive.

Juniper softly nods all she could think about was her mom's face and how she was the reason both had been beaten to a pulp it made her want to cry because it was clear to juniper her mom wanted nothing to do with her but she didn't want to admit it.
It was a hard pill to swallow juniper had barely left her room she just wanted her mom to love her.
She had cried all night staring at the sky begging the universe to let her mom love her.

Her emotionless face passes the mirror as she sees the ringed bruise under her eye. Tears form again but she blinks and pushes past it throwing her boots on and leaving the house without saying a word. Her red hair falls In her face as she stares at the concrete ground beneath her as she keeps her hands in her pockets while walking towards the small store near bye.
Before she realises what's happening she feels a foot press deep into her back hoisting her forward a gasp escapes juniper as she crashes into the pavement in front of her scraping her chin a small gasp escapes her. Her eyes wide and alarmed.
Looking up on over her shoulder she sees two Marley guards towering over her small form.

"Watch were your going Fucking devil" one spits as they walk away leaving her laying their juniper wants to cry and hug herself but she forces herself up off the ground and continues to walk as anger begins to form within her stomach as she clenches her fists.
Her cyan orbs focus on the path in front of her as her fiery hair blows behind her.

She leaves the store with her cartoon of milk finally calming down with the anger as she quietly passes by a group of adults keeping her head down.
"I know Pyra will do well in the warrior programme if anyone has the potential do become a shifter for Marley it's her" a woman says catching juniper off guard As her eyes flicker while turning to look at them.
"I'm signing Saria up tomorrow. You gotta signs your kids up quickly because every single Eldian parent will want their kid in that programme to actually do Marley proud" another says

"Good luck with that Marley on choose the best and most loyal kids. Remember the Yeager kid who's parents were traitor's and he turned them in to the government and they were sent to that island? Loyalty like that gets you noticed and respected by Marley."

Those words lighten up in Juniper as the words respected by Marley repeat in her brain. She pictures herself a warrior. The Marley people cheering her name and calling her a hero. Her mother standing alongside her waving the crowd. Giving hope to the young red head. As her heart begins to stammer with excitement.
This was her key to getting exactly what she wanted.
Her mother to love her. Marley to respect her and make her one of them.
She had to become a warrior. No. She was going to become a warrior and prove her allegiance.

A smile stretches upon her lips as she moves quickly away from the crowd of eldians and paces fastly towards her home. She throws the door open kicks her shoes off and heads into the kitchen we're her dad sits reading the paper.
"Dad." She says suddenly while standing at the door way holding the milk carton.
He suddenly notices the change in her attitude and glances up with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" He asks
"Marley doesn't respect us. They see us as beneath them like we're devils" she begins
"Yes. I educated you on this a few days ago why?"
"So if they were to respect us we'd get to see my mom right?" She asks with wide hopeful eyes
He keeps his Eyes fixated on her questioning her motives as he pushes his dark hair out of his battered face.
"Yes but that's highly impossible she's surrounded by Eldian hating loyalists she is Marley now. I'm sorry kid"
"What if there was a way to prove ourselves to Marley? To show them we are with them and stand with them?" She asks
"How would we possibly be able to do that?" He asks folding his arms clearly still in love with juniper's mother.

Attack On Titan: Reaching Fate حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن