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Last week was harsh. Juniper was luckily to still able to participate in the next test as She had luck on her side. Usually warriors who failed like She did would've been sent away already.
Juniper was extremely grateful when the letter to the next stage had came in.
She had cheered happily. Her father had made comments about how he thought she was starting to change. This desperation to be accepted was twisting the person she is.

Juniper didn't care nor did she listen. She had one priority. One mission. Become a warrior. Do Marley Proud and if not what else is there?
She had arrived early that morning where they had a
A meeting. A discussion. A history lesson remind juniper how evil those island devils are. Why Eldians are scum. Making juniper angry remembering how much pain Eldians caused Marley. She was glad to be apart of Marley with the opportunity to prove her loyalty.
The meeting finished at they were allowed to get something to eat.

Juniper walks into the eating stations as a bunch of kids sit together as juniper approaches everyone throws her dirty looks. She sighs while holding her tray as Pyra begins to laugh at her. Her heart thuds with embarrassment as everyone stares at her not wanting her around them.
She walks to an empty bench and eats in silence when a tray suddenly drops across from her.
She looks up with wide eyes in surprise as Marcel smiles brightly at her.
"Hey I hope you don't mind if I sit here?" He asks
"No not all!" She answers as a smile forms on her lips.
"Great!" He answers

"So your back! That's great Juniper I'm glad you'r here" he answers with a gleam in his eyes
"You too Marcel. I hope I don't mess up next time" you won't be reassures her. Suddenly another tray smacks down beside Marcel. A boy with blonde hair who looks like him.
"Who's this?" He questions nowhere near as friendly as Marcel
"This Juniper. Juniper this is my brother Porco" he answers
"Hello it's nice to meet you" juniper smiles
"Meh your the girl who failed the boat activity and made your team members look bad?" Porco asks with an amused look on his face.

Juniper's smile lowers with embarrassment.
"Porco we all lost. Not just juniper and she couldn't of been that bad considering she's still here. We all are" Marcel says
"What's with you. Have you got a little Crush on her or something?" Porco teases as Marcel's face goes completely red.
Juniper's eyes widen and her mouth drops in disbelief not sure what to say. Porco begins to laugh Before anyone speaks up another tray places down beside juniper.

"Now now boys enough of that" a female voice says as black haired girls sits beside juniper.
"Can you not take a joke Pieck?" Porco laughs as pieck smiles at me.
"So who do you think has a change of getting a Titan?" She asks
"I have no idea." Juniper says
"Well I know who won't be getting it!" Porco laughs pointing over to a blonde haired boy sitting at a table with other kids.
"Who's that?" Juniper asks
"Reiner Braun. Don't worry he's even worse than you. If you were put up in competition against him you'd definitely win." Porco winks while taking a bite into his sandwich.

Suddenly Pyra approaches their Table towering over juniper with her arms crossed.
"So. How the hell did you get back into here?" She snarls accusingly
"I don't know what your talking about" juniper spits
Pyra begins to laugh
"Yes you do. Who did you have to bribe to stay in here?" She questions while suddenly latching onto junipers red hair yanking it back.
Juniper takes a deep breath as she stands up facing Pyra. Anger overcomes juniper as a fire lits within her.
She clenches her fist and Pyra looks at her all smug.
Juniper swings at Pyra. Her fist smashing into her cheek sending her hurling into the concrete ground beneath her.

"Wow wow wow wow!" Marcel yells
"What is wrong with you!! You psycho!!" Pyra yelps as blood trickles from her nose and her knee
Juniper leans down to lock eyes with her.
"Do you have anything else you'd like to say to me?" Juniper sternly asks. Marcel's face goes red once more.
"What's going on here!!" Two Marley soldiers yell looking down at both Juniper and Pyra.
Before she knows it both her and Pyra stand in the office with Marley officials and Titan shifters.

"Both of you are being extremely irresponsible. How can I expect either of you to hold the Titan power if you can't get along. I have no choice but to dismiss you both from the warrior selection. Both will go home with shame!" A soldier yells angrily
Pyra's eyes widen in disbelief. Her mouth drops. Suddenly Zeke enters the room with a cigarette in his hand.
"General If I may speak openly?" He questions
"You May Jeager." The soldiers says

"Yes this juniper has her differences from regular warriors but some aren't all bad. She's a natural leader she brought everyone together to build that boat if she hadn't taken action the boat wouldn't have been built at all. That's better than her group The rest were sheep how can we expect a sheep out of a Titan shifter? And today I heard juniper attacked Pyra merely in self defence. Do you expect a Titan warrior to allow themselves to be walked over and bullied into submission? I don't think so. Yes juniper has her flaws but she is still the best option I see. We can train her to be better and I think we'd Make a great warrior out of her" Zeke says

Juniper listens with wide eyes her heart warm feeling such appreciation and self believe that she has never had before in her life.
"Hmm I will take this into consideration. For the mean time you are both excused." The Marley soldier says
"Thank you sir" juniper says while smiling at Zeke with one word flowing through her brain.
Thank you.

Both Pyra and Juniper leave. Pyra doesn't scream or yell in anger her brown eyes look at juniper with such hatred.
"You'll pay for this" she hisses walking away from juniper without saying another word leaving a chill down her spine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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