Chapter 2- The Beginning

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Jakes POV

Well this is interesting...I'm enjoying my day when my idiotic brother decides to go into my room and smash an egg on my head. He then proceeded to say that "George dared him." I then being the fabulous person that I am swiftly replied "why must u always blame George for everything oh wait it's because you have a slight crush on him"
He quickly turned a light shade of pink clearly embarrassed "well you have a crush on Alisha." I chuckled and retorted "Atleast I'm not afraid to admit it." He then turned on his heals and departed from my room . I groaned and put my music on before slowly getting into the shower and starting to wash the egg out of my hair. Once I had finished and got dressed in turned on my PC and saw that Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo where in a call and decided to join it.

Dreams POV

So I don't really know who won that me or Jake but one thing I do know is that I definitely underestimated my odds of winning.

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