Chapter 3- The dreaded day

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(A/N just to make this all easier all characters live in London-England and Tommy, Jake and Tubbo go to the same school)

Jakes POV

Today is the day. That time the year. The first day of the new year. I absolutely hate it but at least I can mess around with Tommy and Tubbo. It doesn't help when your annoying brother wakes you up at 6:30 to ask if I want to record with him. Of course I replied "yes but I'll have to do it after school although I don't know how long I'll be there." We both let out a soft chuckle as I swung my legs of my bed and started to get ready. The problem that you find with me is I evidently don't like school and not many teachers really like me that much but do I care no not really. All I care about at school arre my friends and that i hopfully do well you see im not the most liked person ever although people tolerate me because of my brothers recent rise to fame which doees annoy me slightly because people will try and use me to get to him but I tend to stay in my close circle of a few friends.

Ughhhh English. The Bane of my life. Tubbo and I give eachother a look of Dispair and gulp. Two people who cant read yep this is great. As i walk into the class i can feel the colour leave my face as the blood dissapears from my body. I sat next to one of my closest friends who just happens to be gogy's sister and her idiotic name is Deanna. (De if u ever read this im sorry hehehe)                 She looked me in the eye and started laughing so I did the mature thing  and just said, "Sup how is the gogmeister and please for pog sake please stop laughing atleast I can process colours." My  heavy American Accent clear for all those that can hear it. I puled out my books whilst groaning and staring at the teachers debating whether to cause some trouble...

*time skip to end of lesson*

So that wasnt a good idea I got bored and the problem is when i get bored i tend to get distracted easily which then led to me throwing bits of paper over at tubbo because hey its funny and we always do it to eachother. I kinda got caught and now im here at the office waiting for my brother to get me from school again.

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