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Theo's pov~

Sitting in my dorm that i share with my two bestfriends, I realise how fucking lonely i am. Not trying to sound big headed but girls want me. It's not some thought in my head, it's factual. But I wouldn't ever want them, I already have a girl in mind.

Blaise is a natural at flirting and has a girl over almost every week and Draco has that thing with y/n. She's so gorgeous. She's been a bestfriend for ages but i just can't seem to wrap my head around why i've been feeling this certain way about her. But i couldn't do that to Draco. I wouldn't. Not unless he does something to her.

It was midday when i finally decided to leave my pigsty of a room and actually socialise. I haven't seen y/n since classes yesterday so i wondered where she was.
Pansy Parkinson was sitting on one of the couches in the common room with Cassius and Marcus just talking with each other. Draco catches my eye as he walks in looking like he owns the whole place (could be true). But y/n wasn't anywhere.

y/n's pov

I love my friends. Having the evening with Fred and George and talking with my old friend Hermione makes me realise how much I love them.

I sat down at Hermione's vanity while Harry and Ron explore her room as they came in about 5 minutes ago.

"hey y/n, I think you'd look good with Theodore Nott." Harry randomly says while touching everything in Hermione's room.

"Nah, It's more like Blaise Zabini" Ron replies to Harry.

"Shut it the both of you, I mean to be fair Blaise is funny as fuck and Theo is just so lovely to talk to, plus he's fucking ripped" I add, giving my own opinion on the boys

"So you'd date both of them?" Hermione asks

"Maybe not date, definitely fuck but probably not date. Theo though, goodness me he is just perfect. His smile and his eyes and his hair and oh gosh. His body." I rest my face on the vanity as i just imagine him being on top of me.

"Bloody hell y/n. You're a slag" Ron blurts out

"Ron!" Hermione throws a pillow at Ron's face
My response being an accepting smirk.

"What! She's basically fucked every guy in the Slytherin house! I bet even Marcus Flint. He scares me"

"Ugh i wish, Theo's skinny compared my Marcus Flint"

I turn my body on the chair to face them.
"Can i just say one thing guys? That NONE of you can tell anyone or even speak of it again. I'm serious about this, you cannot tell anyone."

"Of course, what is it?" Hermione says

"If i could, and i won't, I'd gladly be fucked by Fred"

All of their jaws fall through the floor. Ron's face in absolute terror while Harry tries so hard to hold in his laughter.

"Right! I'm off. See you guys in a bit, Love you lots" I quickly gather my things and leave the room in an instant before either of them say anything.

Walking down the Gryffindor stairs, I pass Fred in a towel on his bottom half and another around his shoulder. My eyes widen and my cheeks become warmer.

"Oh hey y/n, you know that shit will pulled last night? Successful" He winks at me and continues going up the stairs

To be fucked by Fred Weasley. Jesus Christ I am a slag.

It was the end of the day, past 5, abs i decided to head back to my dorm room just to chill.
Walking through the common room door, practically all of my friends were laughing chatting with each other, apart from Draco of course.

"Y/n!!" Pansy shouts at me, getting up from Cassius' possession.
Everyone turns to look at me, all their faces light up once they realise it's me.

"We want you here so bad but a certain Mr Malfoy is waiting for you upstairs" Blaise says with his arms out wide on the couch.

"Oh right"

I giggle and stay for a bit just having a laugh with my friends. I fucking love my friends.
When walking up the stairs i wonder what Blaise meant by he was "waiting" for me. Butterflies fill my stomach, anticipating for him to be mad.
Theo comes down the opposite way, his face also lights up.

"Hey y/n" we both go in for a hug

"Hey, is Draco up there?" i ask

"Uh yeh he is, he got in the shower just now so he might be a minute" His face falls

"Oh thanks, i'll wait" i reply

I open the door, smelling a gross stench.
A girl, dressed in yellow uniform, stands next to his bed putting her blazer on.

I'm fuming.

Where the fuck is Draco? Why didn't Theo say anything?

My breath becomes faster. My face becomes hotter. The butterflies turn into knives in my stomach.

"Who the fuck are you?" the Hufflepuff girls screeches.
I don't say anything.

"Draco!! There's a weird girl in here, probably Blaise's hook up or something" She looks at me up and down

I charge at her like a fucking bull, rugby tackling her to the hard wooden floor. Two punches to the right cheek.
"WHO THE FUCK AM I? HUH?" Another punch lands in the same place.
I grab her shirt, pulling her body close to my face
"I'm the fucking bitch Draco Malfoy's in love with"
I slam her body back down, not planning to go for anymore.

"Merlin....Draco Malfoy? He fucks like a God" The fucking audacity of this bitch

With no hesitation i take her to the floor again, punch after punch, now i don't plan on stopping.
Draco comes rushing in through his bathroom door, in only a towel. Mind you, I'm beating this girl up but I'd still notice his hot face anywhere.

And his hair.

It was wet.

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK" he yells, trying to tear me apart from her

The rest of the lot come in, smashing the door open in the process.

"Oh shit" Theo says while running straight to me

"Fuck me" Blaise follows doing the same as Theo

It takes three 6 foot men to rip me away from this Hufflepuff bitch.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell, but only at Draco

"Oi, I see you in here one my time and you're gonna be fucking dead yeh? FUCKING DEAD" I screamed, pointing at the half dead girl on the floor.

Looking at Draco, I take a hard slap across his face and calmly walk out.

"Come on mate, why?" Theo says to Draco in a disappointed tone.

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