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It was a windy fall day. As you walked to U.A, you watched the golden brown leaves roll around on the ground. Your (h/c) hair was blown in your face by the strong wind. You heard the leaves rattle on the almost naked trees. Your hands were cold so you quickly put them in your jacket pocket.

You didn't know what to expect when you got there. All you knew is that you were going to be a teacher.

As you got to the school, you looked up amazed but scared at the same time. The building was huge. It was bigger than the average school. I mean it made sense since it was a hero school.

This building is h u g e. I wonder if anyone I know works here. I doubt it but I guess I can hope..right?. As I opened the door to the school, I was blown away.  The hallways were huge.  As I looked around, I realized I needed to find Principal Nezu's office. 'Augh, I need to find out where his office is.' I thought to myself. As I looked around I spotted two familiar faces. 'Are, no it can't be them. But maybe? Maybe it is them? Would sure be a huge coincidence.'  Suddenly I saw the two people come closer. I must've looked really confused or like a creep. After all, I was just staring at then for a good 15 seconds.
Hold on. No way.
"Shota Aizawa also know as Eraserhead. I apologize for the shouting." said the guy with long, shiny, black hair.
No fucking way, Shota and Hizashi!??!
"I'm y/n!" I said as I looked at them with a smile, trying to see if they remembered me. Did they not recognize me? Did I change that much? Did they actually forget me?
Suddenly Hizashi shouted "Y/N?!? IS IT REALLY YOU?"
Shota looked at me blankly. He kind of looked like he was lost in his thoughts. Maybe he forgot but Hizashi didn't? No, he doesn't forget THAT easily.
"Mhm!" I said as I looked at Hizashi.
As he pulled me into a hug, I started to tear up.
"I can't believe it" said Shota as he looked at me. We hugged and laughed like I never left. Here we were. 17 years after we separated, we were still able to somehow reunite. It was really a shame I moved away in 8th grade. Missed my most important years for literally nothing.
As we all hugged I said "do you happen to know where Principal Nezu's office is?". I mean they must know if they're here.
They both nodded and led me there. "Thank you so much. I'll see you guys later!" I closed the door and I heard their footsteps slowly fade away in the distance. Hizashi's voice still echoing in the halls talking about how crazy it was that I'm back.
520 words!!! Better chapters are coming 🫶

Aizawa x Reader (slow burn smut)Where stories live. Discover now