The Sorting Begins

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I was starting at Hogwarts as the new transfer student, Hogwarts was a very hard school to get into as a transfer, I was so excited and nervous at the same time.

The whole train ride I sat by myself at the back of the train afraid that I wasn't gonna make some friends or even be excepted there, I did have one thing I wanted to do, I wanted to join the quidditch team , I was captain at Aethergarde Academy, but It was still unknown of what my house was but I'm certain it would be slytherin as my whole family has been in slytherin for centuries, just like the Malfoy's and Greengrasses.

As I stood in-front of the Hogwarts castle hidden in all the new first years noticing that I was the only student starting in 5th year, Professor Mcgonagall was leading all of us to the great hall where everyone was already seated waiting for the new arrivals, I don't think any of them Knew about me starting so late at hogwarts, at this point in time I wish I didn't move schools I liked Aethergarde Academy. 

The great hall doors swung inwards as everyones eyes glanced at me, this was it, it was to late to turn around everyone had seen me, we made our way down the hall to the front where the stool and sorting hat was waiting, I knew I was going to be sorted first as I was oldest, " Y/n Elrods!" Professor mcgonagall called, I slowly made my way to the front of the hall, everyone was whispering but I didn't know what about, " Ahhh I've been waiting for you y/n, SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled, the slytherin table screamed and clopped as I made my over, I sat down next to a girl that looked very friendly, but she wasn't, the blonde boy in-front of me didn't look nice at all, but you already knew this as he was Draco Lucius Malfoy the one boy your parents warned you about " ugh not another filthy mudblood" he scoffed as his friends laughed, I was kinda glad that he didn't know me, but I was confused as why he didn't know because of my last name, our parents are close as they all work for lord Voldemort, " I hope you know I'm a pureblood, you may be familiar of the Elrods family, Malfoy?" you said with pride, his mouth dropped open and everyone went quite, " no, it can't be, your Eloraes and Williams daughter" he said quietly, " yep that's me Draco!" you got up from the table and made you way down to the dungeon, and into the common room, my father had paid for a private room, I entered and was shocked by how beautiful It was, a leather lounge was in the corner of the room, A large bed was in the middle of the room with silk emerald sheets, the bathroom was stunning with a bath and a very large shower. 

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