Spin the bottle

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Draco and I stared into each others eyes for what felt like forever, "come on lets go get a drink" I laughed pulling Draco up from the chair, he wrapped one of his hands around me waist as we made our way to the table with alcohol, he poured us both a drink as I scanned the room completely zoning out while admiring the beauty of the room, "Y/N!" Draco yelled in my face, " oh sorry" I blushed, he put his hand around my waist as he took me to a crowd of people, you made eye contact with pansy, "everyone this is Y/N" Draco explained while he smiled down at you, " hey I'm Blaise, this is Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle" he said while staring into my eyes, " who's up for a game of spin the bottle?" pansy yelled out, "meeeee!" Draco, Blaise , Harry, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and I all screamed at the same time, we were all drunk as fuck, *this is gonna be fun* I thought to myself.

"Ill go first!" pansy  laughed, spinning the bottle, it then landing on you, you and pansy both looked each other in the eyes and bursted put with laughter, " you have to kiss, its the rules" Blaise giggled, "I mean only If she" I cut pansy of by pressing my lips against hers, she opened her mouth, he tongue entered, as we explored each-others mouth, you pulled away as you remembered everyone was still watching," that was kinda hot" Blaise giggled, Draco grabbed the bottle and spun it, he spun it fast he seemed really angry, it landed on Hermione, I Kinda wish it landed on me.

As Draco got up and made his way to Hermione, anger started building up inside me and I had no idea why, he looked back at me and smirked before locking lips with Hermione, slowly kissing her, he knew I was staring, he probably knew I was angry as-well, I've never wanted to be a mudblood so bad in my life until now, *do I like Malfoy* I thought to myself, a few minuets later they finally finished and both sat back down, the game continued, you watched Draco kiss pansy, but it was ok cause you'd kissed everyone in the game except Draco. 

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