Chapter 5

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Drifting along with the very little breeze, on a flat mirror glass sea, was not Dracan's favourite way of sailing. For the first part of the voyage, the wind was their friend, almost, although not overly strong. Coming from the quarter, it necessitated a lot of tacking, to gain any forward motion. Just after the mid-point of the day, the wind had ceased to blow, the boat had become becalmed, just moving on what little sea current there was. The lack of any breeze at all was beginning to worry Dracan. He knew that there were times when there was no wind or even a gentle breeze for days on end. It seemed as if this was to be one of those times, 'time for some hard work' he thought to himself. As in all boats, like Dracan's, it was almost a duty or better still a factor of survival. Out on the sea, for sailors to have on board a set of sweepers. A pair of extended oars for times just like this. They were not easy to use, it was possible for a stranded sailor, to make some forward progress. Rather than just lying idle, hoping for a breeze to arrive soon, preferably a real wind, so that the journey could be continued. Much against his better wishes, for he knew from previous events, just how hard it was to row for long periods. Reluctantly, for Dracan was a sailor, not a rower, he found the rowlocks in the small sea chest, locked them into position, pulled the sweepers from the boats gunwale's, locked them into position. Taking his place on the seat, in the middle of his boat. With his back to the bow, facing the stern. Trying to keep the sun just over his left shoulder. Starting to pull on the sweepers, he would, he knew, if the wind did not come to his aid. If he had the strength, at some time he would see the coastline, which he would then be able to follow. Until he came to either a hamlet on the coast or Latavascar itself. He already knew that it would be a long and hard journey if his boat remained becalmed. With his limited supply of food and fresh water. he needed the winds to come very soon.
Taking a short break from his rowing, Dracan sat in the small cabin. Eating a little fruit and quenching his thirst. Gently in his mind he heard Radnan, asking him if all was well, "It would be a lot better" replied Dracan, "if the winds would return. We could make some headway towards Latavascar. It is taking far too long, there are little food and water left. I may be forced to make my way to the nearest part of the coast so that I can seek further supplies of food and water'. As there was no reply from Radnan, Dracan took his place between the sweepers, started to pull his boat forward, towards he knew not where. Maybe the nearest part of the coast, which he could not yet see or by some miracle, Latavascar, he knew that the latter was highly improbable, just wishful thinking.
Time seemed to stand still for Dracan, the monotonous routine of simply rowing. His hands, although used to hard work were beginning to show signs of wear and tear, his back, shoulders and legs were aching. Now his eyes and head were beginning to ache, "I'm not very fit these days" he thought to himself. He had spent and wasted too much time looking for the place in Baranghania, where his father had gone missing and possibly died. He had not given up the search for his father but had decided that he had been away from home for far too long. Maybe, after the coming cold season had passed, he would return to carry on his search. More important now, was his survival. In some way, he found it more than a little amusing, heavy storm had driven him ashore here at Montraghar, now he was leaving the island and there was no wind at all. How fickle the weather can be, he thought, then again in his mind he heard Dalmac, "It seems as if there are problems before you Dracan". With a smile on his face, he replied, "This is true, the weather is not our friend today", "Is there anything we can do to help?" asked Dalmac.
"It would be wonderful if you could find some wind for us", answered Dracan, "I will discuss with my brother sprites, the lack of wind to sail your boat. It is possible there may be a solution to your problem". With that his mind became very still as if the sprites were meditating, it felt so peaceful. In fact, he truly enjoyed the silence and stillness in his mind, but time was rolling by as silent as the sea. With every passing moment, Dracan was becoming physically, more and more tired by his labours. If he carried on in this way, he knew that he would become exhausted quickly. Once again, rummaging around the water-boards he found his sea anchor. Not much to look at, just a large pouch attached to a short piece of rope which he tossed over the side. As it filled with sea water, it naturally became heavier, acting as a brake on his boat. Stopping it from drifting, on what little movement there was, on the surface of the sea. Moving into the small cabin, Dracan, almost exhausted, lay down on the wooden bunk and fell fast asleep.
From being in a deep sleep to being shocked awake, by what seemed like a bolt from the blue. Dracan found himself sitting bolt upright, tingling from head to toe, not knowing whether he was coming or going, So much was the shock, that, and the fact that the tingling had not stopped, the sensation, now rushing up and down his arms and legs. This feeling was not helped by his head aching so badly. It felt as if he had been banging his head against the mast or the cabin hatch. Staggering out of the cabin, trying to work out what was happening or had happened. He found himself confronted by the sprites, all flashing so quickly and brightly, in what seemed like an excited or agitated conversation. It seemed as if it were happening, in time with the tingling, that Dracan was still feeling in his arms and legs, "What happened, what have you done?" he cried. All at once the sprites stopped flashing, everything became very quiet, very still apart from the motion of the boat. Even the tingling in his arms and legs had stopped, and by good fortune so had his headache, the whole experience seemed to leave him drained of all energy and emotion, "What is wrong Dracan? Have we harmed you?", asked Olsecian, "Whatever you have been doing, woke me violently. Left me with tingling sensations all over my body, especially my arms and legs, with the worst headache I have ever suffered. All of these feelings stopped, when you ceased your argument or whatever it was, that you were doing", it was Darlac who took over the conversation, "Please, please forgive us Dracan, we were just so excited, over what we have accomplished, in our efforts to assist you". We have succeeded far better than we had hoped for", "What do you mean" Dracan demanded, "Do you not feel the wind?" asked Radnan, "It is time to put your sail up in its proper place, or all our work will be undone. It will have been in vain, we will again, be drifting to nowhere!
Dracan spun around, looked at the sail, which, strangely was neither up nor down but almost halfway, flapping madly as it tried to catch the wind, grabbing the lines for both the mast and sail, Dracan hauled the sail fully into its position, right to the top of the mast, letting it fill with the wind. Very quickly, the boat began to gather way, to move forward far too quickly, for Dracan's needs, the pressure of the wind in the sail, forced Dracan into a mad dash to hold the tiller, so that he could stabilise the movement of the boat. He held the tiller firmly, pointing the boats bow at the coast. Securing the tiller for a few moments, Dracan crossed to the cabin, collected some fruit and fresh water, for he suddenly felt, not only very hungry but also very thirsty. "Now then sprites, tell me where we are, and what you have done!"

After a few moments of silence, Radnan took up the story, "We knew you were worried, about the lack of any wind, so while you were sleeping. Not only did we watch over you, but we discussed how we could best help". "We wondered if we could use our powers to move us all, as we had done with your boat on Montraghar" There was another pause in Radnans story, "You see, we had never before tried to move an item, that is, your boat, with you and ourselves on it, to another place". "It worried us greatly, but we decided, that in the interests of your safety, you need to be with your family, it had to be done". "So, gathering our powers together as one, the golden star as you call us when we are joined as one". "We created the shimmering wall, as you called it. We surrounded all of us with our powers and moved us here, near to the coast of Shavaldhania". "More importantly, not very far from your home in Latavascar". Dalmac then made a request, one that surprised Dracan more than anything else so far, Dalmac asked, that as they had no one else to sustain, to protect, if they, the sprites, may stay with him. Help him and his people in any way that they could.
It was a surprise, totally unexpected request. Much to his delight Dracan told them, that it would be his honour and pleasure, to have them stay with him, Having committed himself to have the sprites as his constant companions, Dracan told them that there would have to be, in the first place, some rules which they would have to agree to. These could be agreed later, he said, it was now time for them all to go home. With the fresh wind behind them, Dracan pointed the bow of his boat towards the entrance of Latavascar's harbour has never felt so happy while being rather worried about how his family and friends would receive him and the sprites.

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