nothing like it. -1

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You scrunched your face as Michael carried you 'princess style' through the lobby. He always embarrises you, and always infront of people you don't know.

Michael has been bringing you to work with him for the past three days. You were hit by a car 5 months ago and havn't been able to work. Now that your injuries have healed you can walk, though you don't get out much because of the pills you have to take till I'm as healthy as I was before.

"I have to admit, you look a mess. But, your all cute, with your hair tied up in a scruffy bun and these baggy jogging bottoms." Michael whispered into your hair as we approached the elevators.

"Huha, and you're here in your designer black suit. I must make you look untidy, lying here in your arms. Your employees are disgusted!" You laughed sarcasticlly.

"No, you're cute!" He practically shouted as the elevator doors closed and the lift ascended.

"Are you going to leave me alone in your office again, today?" You questioned him with a smile.

"You know im sorry, I had a meeting. But today we are going to watch the solar eclipse!" He apologised sweetly.

"Oh yay!" You sarcastically answered laughing. The elevator slid open on the top floor. Michaels secretary gave you an evil/jelouse look as he carried you down the open corridoor and past her into his office.

Michael placed you on the ENOURMAS! conferance table next to the ceiling to floor windows. More like walls. The table was black glass with atleast 50 chairs around the edges. It was a oval shaped table, which made you feel comfortable?

You sit with your legs crossed, your baggy clothes slumped over your perfect body, though they smelt good, like lavander. If your being completely honest you think these are Michael jogging bottoms, do you own grey jogging bottoms? Or even own jogging bottoms?

You pull your phone out of your huge pocket along with tour ear phones and placed them on the table next to you. You lean back on your elbows with your legs still crossed, watching Michael and his perfect ass sorting his desk out.

"Soooo, when do I get some action?" You raised an eyebrow at Michael. He turned around from his desk, his suit clinging his aspects. A curl resting down on his forehead and his coraline skin. His eyes a deep colour of Brown, glaring at you.

"I'm just wondering...." You smiled, "It's been 5 months, and I'm starting to get hungry Michael." You laugh as you lye back on the table. He walked over to you slowly.

"When you're fully recovered, and believe me, im hungry too" he licked his lips seductively. You laughed. Michael leaned over the desk so the he was hovering over you. His head was just under your boobs, staring you in the eyes.

Michael stared at you for a while, searching every inch of your face. After about a minute you got irretated.

"What?" You laughed still staring at him with a goofy smile on your face.

"You're beautiful" he nodded his down towards you and inched closer to your face. You push a small curl back out of his face.

"No, you're beautiful" You lean up and pressed yourself against Michael he held you in a warm embrace.

Your lips fit together like a glave. Michael smooth lips caress yours roughly, He kissed your neck and collarbone, showing extra attention to the scar on your neck that you always tried to cover. All you could do was exhale at his touch.

"Excuse me Mr. Jackso..." A womans voice pierced through the door. Michael pulled off of your lips still gripping your theigh and turned to the door. The woman had walked in on me and Michael. This woman was also his assistant.

"Uhh, sorry abby, could you put those on my desk?" Michael nodded towards the papers in her hands. She hesitated to walk in, but did in the end. Michael moved from between your thighs to talk to her about some schedule.

"Oh, yay, fun." You muttered to yourself as you watched them talk. You decided to turn around and look through the window. The eclipse is nearly in full set, and the earth has got slightly darker and cold. You sit on the table close to the window, your knees croutched up against your body as you were pulling them in with your arms

You turn your head to check on Michael, he was still talking to abby. The way she was looking at him, she was flirting. That grined your gears, and you gritted your teeth as you turned to stare outside again.

Huh, you just wanted to spend some romantic time with Michael, since your injuries you havn't been out much, and even though Michael brings you to work, he is always busy.

The world went dark and you couldn't see a thing. The eclipse was happening and you watched the orbon light shine around the sides of a black desolate circle.

Then you felt Michaels hands around your sides pulling you closer to him as he placed his head on my shoulder. You felt so warm even though the earth was cold. He took another step closer, pushing out any distance that had existed between you. He placed his forehead on yours, and kissed your nose.

You pulled him closer by his shirt, kissing his mouth lightly and then in an innocent whisper you said, "Touch me." He hesitated at your words, unsure if acting out on his desire and my orders would be right. He knew you was in slight pain from your injuiries, but you knew his touch would make the pain float away. You took his hand and placed it on your thigh, and then you began to unbutton his shirt. Before you could finish, he got a tight hold of you, and lifted you up.

"Huhhmm" abby coughed as the light grew back into the air around you, Michael had forgot she was there. Holding you in his arms he turned his head to her quickly.

"Out abby..." Then he turned back and kissed your lips gently as if nipping the scent from a rose-bud.

Abby made her way out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Beautiful"... He looked down to his chest to see the crown of your head, tip of your nose, pucker of your lips like an exquisite terrain. And he was in love again. His eyes showed it all.

You made love as the sun regained its burning nature and the world beamed with rainbow rays, and the moon disappeared in cresents.

I swear there's... nothing like it.

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