prologue; the bear, the fox, and the bunny

545 11 26

victoria's pov

"prisoner 592, report."

huh? this was supposed to be my day off. i was supposed to spend this day lying in bed gazing at the moon and stars through my small window and singing softly to myself as a form of entertainment. so much for that.

"prisoner 592! answer the door!" the guard exclaimed urgently

"fine, fine i'm coming. chill out!" i said as i got up off my bed and practically ran to the door. i opened it and i took a peek behind the big head of the guard. why are they taking kids out of their cells? i know not this many people are turning 18 today, what's going on?

"dad? what are you doing here?" i asked as the guard cuffed me roughly, also putting some sort of bracelet on me.

"hey, relax! i'm not disobeying!"

my dad's eyes were red and his nose was slightly red. was he crying? he never cries. i've only ever seen him cry when i got sent to the sky box.

"you're going to earth." he looked up at me with a sad smile "mom managed to pull a few strings and get you a seat on the drop ship, you're leaving in an hour. let me get your stuff and we'll talk more on the way, okay?" i nodded, not like i had much of a choice. it was either die on the ark or die on earth. i'd like to die on earth. change of scenery, y'know?

he grabbed a couple things, like toiletries, clothes, books, extra lenses and frames just incase i break my glasses, and of course my music player. the only thing that kept me sane.

"are these all the tampons you have, vicky?" he yelled, still looking around the room for extra things he may have forgotten.

i turned red. he said that really loud, what the hell. the guard holding me cleared his throat indicating to hurry up. "uh- yeah. thanks dad. listen, am i gonna get to see mom before i go?" i asked still shocked from the whole earth thing.

"yeah, i'll sneak you away somehow. we're gonna have a good heart to heart don't worry." he said with a smile. i smiled back, i'm totally gonna miss them, but i'm excited. something other than this cell i'm gonna be living in. we left after that. i looked around, i see clarke griffin talking to her mother. they looked pretty happy. maybe she's going to earth, it'll be cool if we managed to be friends. my dad was talking to me but i drowned him out. i saw a cute lanky boy with brown hair and goggles looking at what i assume to be his mom and dad crying. i think i've seen him around before but i'm not sure, maybe in some earth skills classes, my dad caught my gaze and noticed i was looking at them.

"don't worry, we'll be right here." he pointed to my heart, "and no boys." i laughed. he always managed to put a fun twist on sad moments. "troy go take a break. i'll handle this" the guard, troy, looked him skeptically. "just leave i'll give you my rations for the week." he nodded and left. my dad hurriedly took off the cuffs and led me to the cafe where i saw my mom sitting down bouncing her leg anxiously.

"mom!" i screamed and ran to her arms wide open expecting a hug.

"oh vicky!" she smiled at me tears running down her face. opening her arms for a hug as well. i leapt into her arms, she smelled like home and was warm. my dad joined the hug, acting like a big bear. the bear, the fox, and the bunny. that's what i used to call us when i was younger. we all talked for about 20 minutes, shedding tears, laughing, and bunch of reassurance. my mom said that i'll be fine. i have a guard for a father, and a computer specialist for a mother. not to mention i am a bookworm. i know a lot about earth, but that's something i like to keep to myself.

there was an announcement to get 'the 100' to the ship. i assume that's me because as soon as we heard it my parents jumped out of their seats and guided me to where i was supposed to go.

"you think june will be there?" i asked them, hope in my eyes. june was my best friend, they've been there for me since forever and we were basically inseparable. i haven't been able to see them since i got arrested 2 years ago. but i'm hoping that'll change.

"oh honey i hope so," my mom said, "i heard their parents talking about this whole deal, but i don't think they mentioned them." i nodded understandingly.

"alright kid here we are. listen to me don't panic, go with your gut, don't die, make friends, use your brain and heart, don't make stupid decisions, oh and keep that bracelet on. that lets us know if you're alive, and be car-"

"wait did you pack ginger?" i whispered to him. yeah it's embarrassing i have a stuffed animal i know. from what i learned it was a dog. a tan one, all raggedy, but it's been with me since i was a little kid.

"yes honey i didn't forget." he said smiling down at me giving me a kiss on my forehead. "and please make some friends, i know how lonely you get sometimes and keep an eye out for danger"

suddenly i got pulled away by a guard telling me it's time to go. i quickly grabbed my bag from my mother and screamed goodbye to them. kinda salty i didn't get to say a proper bye but we did get to talk at the cafeteria. i frowned to myself, thinking of my parents and how much i'll miss them, as i climbed the ladder to go and strap myself in. i spotted the cute boy with goggles again, with what i assume to be his friend beside him. i decided to walk over and introduce myself, the advice my father said still fresh in my head. i'll just ignore him saying no boys though.

"hi, i'm victoria."


heyy i've been on wattpad for about 4 years now and i've only ever tried to write a harry potter fanfic back like 3 years ago and that failed miserably. so i decided to try it again but with the 100 :)

you can substitute the name for whatever in your head I don't care. and i'm probably not gonna have jasper die in this story so i have to figure out how ima do that but i'll get it done :) thanks for reading bye!!

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