Chapter I

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Chapter one
Jasmine walks around in the cold and unforgiving forest on a Sunday afternoon. She was taking in the sight of the gorgeous trees and the silence. Funny how summer goes by so fast, and then it hits you that you're going to have to go back to that lion pit you call a school. Jasmine jumped over a log and landed on the cold ground littered with the red and orange leaves of autumn.
She never liked going home because of her parents, they always we're bossy and strict and they wanted her to be more of a woman and to stay skinny because they said no man will ever want her if She's chubby.
She liked the forest It's calm and peaceful, There are no cars or people yelling and fighting. It's just her and the forest.
She walked another mile before she stumbled upon something odd. A castle, hidden away by the growing trees of the forest. It was old and it looked abandoned
Jasmine knew that the small town that she lived in had a secretive and dark past, but she had never even seen this before. She just had to see what was inside of the mysterious and spooky looking castle.
She walked to the entrance of the castle and removed some vines that were growing on the door, she then proceeded to push open the door of the big structure. When she entered, the castle was surprisingly warm. She continued to walk deep into the dark long halls of this strange place. She stopped when she arrived in a big room. On what looked like a platform stood a tall chair, a throne to be precise.
She walked up to the stairs of the platform to inspect the throne. She noticed that it had been in good shape, but it was still old and looked like it was from decades or even centuries ago. She took a good look at it before deciding to sit down on it. It was uncomfortable for her, but she wanted to see for herself.
She started to relax, but then she quickly stood up when she heard a loud, earth-quaking roar that scared all the color out of her hair and clothing. She got down from the throne and carefully walked in the direction of the roar. She found herself in a dark hallway, she cautiously proceeded to walk forward until a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind and whispered in her ear " I've found you, princess," they said.
She elbowed them in the stomach causing them to let her go. She ran as fast as she could back into the throne room. She stopped hoping she had lost them, but that wasn't the case. She hears footsteps coming her way, so she ran to the front door of the castle and got out of there.
She ran so fast that she didn't even notice that she had ripped her shirt.
She made it home and ran upstairs to her bedroom, trying to comprehend what just happened. This was going to be a stressful year and to start it off she started school in the morning. Jasmine got ready for bed and crawled under her sheets and let sleep take her away.
Jasmine awakes to the sound of her alarm clock going off. She slams her hand on the cursed objected and gets up. She walks out of her bedroom and down the hall to get to the bathroom, but not before she meets her older sister Kimberly's morning face. Jasmine smiles as she runs into the bathroom and locks the door. This is one of the few mornings that she got up before her older sister and she was not going to waste it.
She takes a nice hot shower careful not to run out all the hot water. She got out and dried her hair and brushed her hair at the same time while singing along to Love like you. When she was done she washed the sink out, put her clothes on.
She put her clothes on and opened the bathroom door to only find her annoying older sister. " You're in my way," she says to her as she tries to push her aside. "Look you freak, I don't know what you're playing at, but just know that if you ever take my morning beauty time from me again you'll regret it. She said as she shoves jasmine's shoulder and slams the bathroom door.
Jasmine walks downstairs looking for her breakfast, she never found it, instead, she was greeted with the angry face of her mother. " Jasmine Rivera, I assume that you're not ready for school," she says walking to the door while Kimberly runs down the stairs nearly killing jasmine. " I'm ready this time," she says as her mom opens the front door and walks outside. She follows them as they walk to the car she was about to open the door to the front door but her sister beat her to it. " oh I'm sorry, did you really think I was going to let you have to front seat, in the back rat," she said as she opened the door and gets in. Jasmine sighed as she opened the car door and sat down. Off to school, we go jasmine says to herself as her mom drives them to school.
They arrive at the prison that they will be attending for the rest of the year. She and her sister get out of the car and walk into the school. "Look if they ask I'm not related to you, you got it a rat," Kimberly says to Jasmine as she takes her schedule from the front office and disappeared into the crowd of people in the hall.
Jasmine takes her schedule, at least history was her first subject. She walked down the hall of death and up the stairs of rage to get to her class. " I hear we have some new hot students in school," a girl says as she walks by. " well I heard that we have a new history teacher and that he is hella hot," the other girl walking with her says. Jasmine just hoped that he would be nice.

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