Chapter III

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WOW, is all I say as I look at the trees, there stood the biggest treehouse that I have ever seen in my life. it was connected to five other big treehouses with four tree bridges, id never think something like this would exist it's so amazing. the trees were in a circle but the bridges make it look like a polygon.
"We built this five years ago me, and my brothers and sisters," Damion says as he starts to climb the latter up to the treehouse, I go after him.
as we make it to the top Damion helps me up, "oh god we're so high up, I mean the view from here is spectacular," I say looking out at the forest.
"come on I have something even better to show you," he said as he took me inside of the house. inside, were two TVs and video game consoles and a comfy looking sofa, and giant beanbag chairs. "How did you get electricity out here," I say going over it to inspect it.
" That would be thanks to my brother max, he can be an asshole sometimes, but once you get to know him, he's a real computer nerd," he said turning the tv on the left on.
I hear a crash on the back of the treehouse, I walk out of the living area onto the back porch to my surprise find a zipline system, to the taller tree houses and the lower houses.
" ow, shit I have to fix that line," a man said as he got up from the floor. "Speak of the devil," Damion said, "Hey bro how was your first day at school, did my little brother make any friends," he said in a baby voice while giving Damion a nuggy.
"Little brother," I said, "Oh, Damion your already bringing home girls, dang your first day must have gone well." a little blush comes to my face but it quickly vanishes when Damion looks over at me.
"shut up she's my friend hognose," Damion said as he gets out of his brother's grip, " Jasmine this is Max, my brother, Max this is jasmine my, FRIEND," Damion said, Maxes eyes suddenly widen, " oh, ok I get it," Max said.
"well it's getting pretty cold out here, let's go inside," Max said and we went back inside.
we sat and talked all day, we even played a few video games I squashed Max at mortal kombat, ha for a nerd he's not that good at this game, it was the most fun I had in years, but that all ended when I looked down to check my phone to see if I missed any messages and boy was I right.
two missed calls and 5 messages, and they were all from my mother, I open my messages and read them, "where are you child," "call me now or I'm taking away your phone" yeah like that's going to make me want to call you more.
All the rest were just more threats for me to call her, so I did, the phone began to ring and on the third ring she picked up, " Where are you, come home right now you disobedient child, all you do is cause trouble for the rest of the family," she yelled at me, "if only you were more like your sister, at least she does productive things when she's not home, she was helping the preschool today and she got home before eight she's giving our family a good reputation and you are ruining it," my mom yelled.
I looked at my phone to find that it was eight twenty-one, "ok mom I'm heading home right now so can you stop yelling," I calmly told her before I hung up the phone. I must have lost track of time I was here for four hours.
" Hey guys I've got to get home so um, see you tomorrow," I say as I walk to the front of the treehouse, " nope, no way I'm letting you walk home do you even know what kind of things are out there, I'm driving you home and that's final," Damion said, "I wasn't going to try and stop you," I said.
Damion climbed down first he said in case I slip he'll be there to catch me, I thought it was cute at first but then I realized that he was serious. I climb down slowly not wanting to fall, I reach the bottom and my feet safely touch the ground.
we make our way to the jeep and get in, Damion starts up the engine and begins to drive.
" so your mom, she seems nice," Damion jokingly says "yeh she's a real charmer even makes me breakfast in the morning," I say sarcastically.
" jasmine give me your number," Damion says bluntly " whoa hold up there pichino I have only known you for a day and you want my number," Damion quickly pulls over, oh no he's going to murder me I should have known, goodbye dark and cruel world.
" jasmine I want you to give me your number so that if you're ever in trouble or danger you can call me ok," he says seriously as he grabs his phone out of his pocket, I give him my number and he starts to drive again. Damion can be so fun at times but then he turns serious all of a sudden.
after a short ride, we arrive at my house, "thank you again, Damion, it's been so long since I've had fun like that," I say as I open the door " your welcome, and you can come back any time you want ok," he said "ok," I said as I got out of the car and walked into the battle zone that was awaiting me.
I open the door and try to run upstairs but my plan was spoiled by my loud mouth sister, "MOM JASMINES HOME AND IT LOOKS LIKE A BOY BROUGHT HER BACK," Kimberly yelled so loud that I'm sure satan himself heard it. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs when they stopped at the bottom of the stairs, stood my hulk of a mother with looks of bad intentions.
she walked towards me slowly "so you think you can come home at any time of night with some random boy that you don't even know!" she yelled at me " I begged her to come with me to the after school program for the pre-kers," Kimberly said while putting on her best good girl act. I was shocked when I heard what she said but I know that no matter what I say my mother is going to take Kimberly's side.
"I have taken your tv from your room and you will have to do all of Kimberly's chores for a month," my mother said sounding pleased with herself. Kimberly laughed as I ran upstairs to my room, I needed an escape from this but I know that if I run away I won't have any other place to go.
I fall asleep thinking about tomorrow, I just want to see Damion, when I'm with him all of my problems go away, he was stronger than any medicine I could ever take.
Damion's pov
As I'm driving home I can't help but think of Jasmine, her greenish Brown eyes and her perfect smile, I knew she was the one, she was the only one, I felt it as soon as she walked into that classroom this morning.
I hate that I can't even talk to my love without my beast going all crazy and me having to restrain him, it hurts me to leave her and let her fall into the hands of that witch of a mother she has.
This Prophecy is the only thing stopping me from taking her away and making her mine. Only if I was the one burdened with marking her first, but I have to wait until those other two do it.
That enchantress should have given me the pride mark, but she had to give it to that lizard because he was " more powerful" and brave, etc.
I drive into the driveway and park my car, Max texts me and tells me that he locked up the tree fortress and he is walking over now.
"I'm home guys," I shout as I walk up the stair of our giant wood cabinet, "welcome home young alpha, how was your first day at sch..." one of the girls in the pack said but stopped, "you reek of human, young Alpha," she said as she covered her nose and walks away from me.
I roll my eyes and head to my dad's office, I arrive at the door but I hear voices coming from inside, being the respectful son I am I wait, but that doesn't mean I didn't eavesdrop, I put my ear to the door to listen in on the conversation,
"He needs a mate now," I hear a familiar voice say, mom, I think to myself, "No, you know he can't have one, he has the beast's mark, he can only mark the cursed one. "I don't care about the curse, it wasn't me who told that witch to do it," my mom said, "you know we had to it it was the only way to preserve our pride," my dad said, "ugg, whens this curse going to end, I just want my son to be happy is that too much to ask," my mom said, "I know, but our son knows what he's doing he will be happy once he finds them," my dad said.
I hear footsteps coming to the door so I dash around the corner, " like I said I just want him happy," my mom said, then she walked down the hall into another room.
I walk to my dad's office again and knocked on the door, "come in," my dad said, I open the door and walk in the room, "Oh, hello son, I was just about to go look for you," my dad said, " dad I need to tell you something," I say as I close the door to his office.
Unknown pov
My knife hits the wall with a thug that makes my servent jump. That smell, she's ready, I say to myself as I get up and look out at the full moon illuminating the night sky, I hope they're ready because a war is about to start.
I walk over to my chessboard and move the black night up one, in this game of chess the white side has stolen our land and claimed it as theirs, so we decided to steal something of theirs, I pick up the white queen and held it in my hand, " is it really time to go back sir?" my servent asked me.
I looked at my chess board once more before speaking, " yes, and this time they will fall under our fist," I say as I sit down in my chair, "make arrangements for me to transfer to shadow creek high tomorrow, I will find her and take back my power as second in command in the kingdom of pride," I say as I grab the book that was on my coffee table.
The princess bride, hum..., our story will be more like, The princess in distress, I smile at the thought of that, or maybe it will be more of like The princess and her prince... well princes, I put the book down and head to my room to pack my things, tomorrow is going to be a long drive, I'm finally going back home, to Shadow Creek, home of monsters.

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⏰ Última atualização: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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