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Going outside to the training area, me and Giyu grabbed wooden swords. We got into stance and waited for Sakonji to count us off."One... two... three. Go," he yelled.
I immediately started talking trash. You know get your opponent in their head and they become sloppy or they second guess themself. "Alright, Tomioka. Let's see what you got," I said waiting for him to make the first move.
He starts running towards me as he mumbles something. I run at him too but before he can finish his form or make an attack on me I twist around him to where im now facing his back. I bring the sword down on his back. Not enough to hurt him too bad but just enough to surprise him.
He staggers and as he's trying to gather his brain cells I begin my first real attack. "Total concentration, second form: Pearl Flowers Moon-Gazing," I mumble under my breath as I run towards him.
He notices me making the attack. He tries to block it with his sword. I twist and it gives me more momentum. I swing my sword and the attack becomes stronger. He uses one of his attacks to counter-react it. He uses water breathings second form the water wheel.
I dodge it easily.
He was not so lucky with my attack tho. Being able to mostly move out of the way. His arm and the right side of his body were still caught in the attack. We continue fighting for a hot minute but I ended up winning in the end.
"You are really good. Like good enough to be a hashira," he said putting up the wooden sword.
"Why thank you tomioka," I said with a cheeky smile and a slight bow. I stopped then straightened up and asked, "It's ok that I called you that, right?"
"Yeah, it is. I mean I'm calling you by your first name. It's only fair. Right?"
"Yeah I guess you are right," I said giving another cheeky smile. We continued to hang out and bug Sakonji for a little bit then it was time for us to part ways. We said our goodbyes and our hopes to see each other later on. I hung back for a minute and tomioka was the first to leave.
"Before you leave make sure you give this to your father," Sakonji said handing me a piece of paper. I took it and said my goodbyes and made my way back home to Papa.


    "Papa! I'm home," I said walking into the house and finding him in his room.
    "Hey," he said.
    "Sakonji gave this to me. He said it was for you," I said giving him the piece of paper. It had taken all of the self-control in me to not read it on my way home.
    "You know, you have always been his favourite. More than me or your mom," he said with a slight smile. It's definitely an improvement. He hasn't been able to talk about mom without going into a slump in forever.
    I just nodded not commenting on his ability to mention my mom now. He started reading the paper and his brows began to forrow. "You fought the Hashira," he said giving me a quizzical look.
    "Yeah. I won like always," I said flipping my hair over my shoulder sassily as a joke.
    "Did you guys hold back?"
    "I don't know. I know I did. I would think he did since we were just sparring for fun."
    "Alright," he said reading the paper again.
    "Why? Did I do something wrong?"
    "No no no. Not at all. I just have to talk to an old friend about something," he said shoving the paper in his box by the door. "Im gonna have to go on a trip though. So I will be gone for a few days."
    "Oh ok," I said. I said good night then went and got ready for bed.


    After Papa had come back he told me that I was going to final selection. I was ecstatic. I had always wanted to go but Papa didn't really want me to go. I don't know what made him change his mind but I wasn't going to complain.
    It was the morning of final selection and I was ready. I had my (you can pick which one you want) haoir on. I had already woken up Papa and made him get up. I was getting ready to walk out the door when Papa stopped me.
    "Y/n. I want you to have this. It was your mother's and I want you to keep it," he said holding out a kanzashi. "She was hoping to give it to you before you went off. She made me promise that if she wasn't here around this time that I would give it to you."
    "Thank you. It means a lot," I said giving him a big hug, "I'll keep it as a good luck charm." just then I heard another heartbeat. Familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.
    I turned towards the tree line and waited for the heart to emerge. After a second they did. It was just Sakonji. "Oh, it's just you. You scared me," I said smiling towards him.
    "Yeah. Sorry about that. I just wanted to come and see you off. Wish you good luck and stuff," he said stopping and hugging me after giving Papa one of those man hug things.
    "Well thank you."
    "You're welcome. Are you leaving now? I didn't think it was for a while."
    "We are quite a ways away from final selection this year. So I wanted to get a heads start so that I'm not rushing later on, you know?"
    "Smart. Well then. Good luck. Don't forget everything we taught you. Don't die. And when you come back make sure you visit me. Alright?"
    "Oh, also I made this for you." now in my hands is a white mask with fox-like details. Although it also has stars and moons on it. The left eye is covered but has a big enough split that I can see through it with a red marking around it. Then on the cheek, it has a grey moon.
    The right eye doesn't have anything covering the eye. It looks like someone sliced it at a diagonal so that my eye wouldn't be covered. This cheek had a gold star on it. To finish it off on the inside my name was written at the top.
    "You used to hate your left eye when you were little. You would say that you didn't like it cause it was a weird colour. So that's why I made it that way," he said with a reminiscing face on.
    "Thank you Sakonji," I said giving him another hug. I put the mask on and tied the ribbons in a bow on the back of my head. It fits perfectly. It also smelled like my favourite plant. Wisteria trees. I finished saying my goodbyes then I was off.

(Took a minute but I finished it. The next part shouldn't be too long but we will see. I hope y'all like this one. The next part will basically only be all about final selection and maybe a little after. Anyways I hope you have a good night/day/morning)~ Python
Word count: 1237

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