Keep me in mind/be mindful

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[sohn-dehrr] noun

The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.

Each and every person you see, each stranger, passerby, or person in a comment section has a life just as vivid and complex as yours.
Imagine yourself in the eyes of someone you know. A sibling, friend, teacher, parent, guardian, or person at school. Once you do, realize they all see you differently. It is impossible for them all to see you the same because each and every person sees life through a different lens. Why try and keep everyone's opinion of you the same? You will waste your energy doing that. Spend your time doing something much more fulfilling rather than worrying what the next person is thinking of you.

How opinions are created

Opinions stems from ones perspective, experiences, understanding, certain feelings and beliefs. Some of us have the same and some of us think differently but everyone is entitled to their own opinion because it is true to them. Whatever they feel they are right. Don't try and waste your time changing someone's belief of you. Don't waste your time arguing with someone either, it's pointless. Will you feel fulfilled after? Even if they end up agreeing? Or is that your ego.

I stay on your mind huh? :(

If someone is out here sneak dissing, copying you, being a fan or hating SIS that is a compliment. People don't hate on those that aren't poppin. Negative energy is still energy so if they are putting their energy into your successes even if it's negative it STILL will cause you to prosper even more. Other people don't have the power to cause you to fail. You feeding into their thoughts and opinions of you IS what causes you to fail. You internalizing what they say and feel about you. Paying them no mind they'll eventually stop bothering you and find someone that will give them the reaction they beg of. You should always send them love as they futsal shuffle out of your live.

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