chapter six

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"You know you belong to me
You can bring your whole squad plus three
You don't like to get told what to do
But you like it when I put you on a leash
All fours for me, on the floor for me
Have you scratching walls, parkour for me
And every night, I'll hit it right"

My hips moved from side to side as I listened to Dreams, Fairytales, Fantasies and I cleaned up the indoor recreation room from all the things that have been strewn about during the day. It's actually a breath of fresh air being a part of clean up crew today, assuming that all of the people I see on a day to day basis are in bed.

"Erm, Beau?" Fred threw me out of my trance and heat rushed to my face as I realized that he was no longer in bed where he was supposed to be, and he probably just seen me dancing and heard my awful singing voice. Cho must have assisted him since she's on the night shift rounds at this time.

"I. . ." I trailed off, completely unsure of what to say. It's terrifying knowing that he can just sneak up out of nowhere and surprise me without even trying.

"Don't stop on my account." I rolled my eyes, smirking. God, he is such a flirt. For a married man, Beau. He is a married man. I have to remind myself of this more often than I'd like to admit but it's true. I can't let his flirting tactics get under my skin.

I don't care if he hasn't spoke to her in eight thousand years, he's still married and there's no reason why I should let his stupid commentary and jokes bother me or get me all riled up. He's just Fred, that's what he does.

"Did you need something Fred?" His chocolate brown eyes stared up at me in awe, a sly smile adorning his face.

"I. . . I don't know." And for the first time ever, Fred's face actually got pink! Finally, I've caught him off guard for the first time.

"Well, if you're just gonna sit around and do nothing then you might as well think of something to talk about." I quipped, turning my back to him so I could continue doing my work ever so slowly. Not that I was even really doing a lot to begin with.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you how your little soirée with Longbottom went." My eyes lit up and I smiled to myself, thinking about the genuinely good time that I had with Neville. Also, not to mention absolutely owning Draco, that was pretty cool too. Probably my most favorite part of the whole week!

"You wouldn't believe it, Fred. It was actually so genuinely wonderful. We actually happened to run into my ex at the restaurant and you should have seen the way that Neville handled it. Almost as if he'd done it before, like it was natural to him. I looked a bit crazy, I must admit." The way I talked about Neville was probably too overzealous but it was important to me to express how great he was to Fred, so maybe it would come across to him that Neville wasn't so bad, that he was actually quite impressive.

"So it was a date then?" He pried, appearing beside me, taking pencils and paper off of the white picnic style table to help me out a little. Any other time I'd probably scold him for it, insist that there was no reason for him to be doing my job, but I enjoy the company.

I raised my eyebrows, "That's all you got out of that?"

"Well, you did say restaurant. You must have went out to eat with him." Fred stated the fact plainly, which is true; I did say that. And Neville and I did talk about it being a date. But the more that I think about it, I don't want anything serious and if I can keep things as casual as possible that would probably benefit me in the long run.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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