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Lev! Can you get me here?

You're done already, akala ko hanggang 6? It's just past 4m

Masama ang pakiramdam ko, e :((

Ayos ka lang? Did you eat something bad? Ayos ka naman kanina, ah.

Aww you're really sweet, Lev😭


Anyway, pakisundo ako sa south emerald.

Still won't tell me the exact place, huh

I'll tell you later, pagkauwi ko.

Why not now? Wala namang pinagkaiba yon.

Meron kaya, duhh.

I'm here na.

I'll be there at 15.

Okay, I'll wait.


I will. Don't reply.

Huh? Bakit?

Because I'll reply back.

Stop yourself, then.

Trust me, I'm trying so hard.

I told you not to reply.

Ok, I won't.

Sorry, can't help it😂

Stop replying, Bella.

DIDN'T KNOW (Phase 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon