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Don't you think I'm being too sensitive?

I mean, he's being nice naman but I bitched about it.

Your feelings are valid. You can't control your emotions.

You can be really annoying at times but I'm always on your side.

You're spoiling me.

I maybe spoiling you but you won't easily get away with it if you're the one at fault. I'm always on your side but it doesn't mean na kukunsintihin kita.

I know.

You'll talk to me in private and make me realize my fault.


I won't ask you if you're okay because I know that you're not but I hope that you feel better now.

I am, thanks to you.

I really love you, Levi.

I don't know what to do without you😭

I hope you really mean that.

Of course I mean it!


Come out. I bought ice-cream for you.

DIDN'T KNOW (Phase 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon