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*Third person POV*
Niall, Louis and Zayn have been best friends since before they could count. They met when all three were put in the same class on the first day of school in grade one, each of them feeling down for different reasons until they saw each other and instantly became friends. You see, Niall was down since he had just moved from his small, simple and happy home in Ireland to the big city of London, Louis was down for a similar reason being sad that he moved from his happy home in Doncaster and well Zayn was down since his best friend and cousin, Liam, moved to Cheshire with his dad after his parents divorced and since Zayn and Liam were related through Liam's mother they hadn't got to see each other much. The three didn't and still don't know how they clicked so quick, after only knowing each other for 20 minutes already planning a play date.
Now they are 16 and still as close as ever, with the new school year coming up they are both nervous and excited to see what this year holds for them, if only they knew they were in for one big ride...

Niall POV
I wake up at 7:15am, I was never good at sleeping in anyways, school starts next week and I have noticed I put on weight, I am going to have to go on a diet so I don't lose the only two friends I have. Speaking of the two, Zayn called last night saying he had important news and needed to see Lou and I as soon as possible, so we decided to meet at the mall.

They keep asking to come over and it is bugging me, you see even though we as been friends since I can't even remember when, they have still never spent more than two hours at my house, I don't want to tell them the real reason they can not stay over so I just tell them my parents are strict with my brother, Greg's studies but that is the furthest from the truth.

I get up and shower, keeping the bathroom lights off like I usually do, I stand there letting the warm water flow down my skin making me get goosebumps from the lovely feeling. I wash myself then my hair with my purple shampoo, since I bleach my hair blonde. When I am done I turn off the water and grab my towel quickly and wrap it around my body and drying myself quickly so I can put my baggy clothes on before I get a chance to see my growing body.

I quickly make my way down to the kitchen and grab a apple cutting it in half and taking one half and leaving the other knowing that this is a good way to start my diet. I leave before my family can spot me and make my way to the mall deciding to walk to burn off the excess fat on my body. I am sleeping at Zee's tonight but I didn't bother bringing anything knowing that half my wardrobe is at his place already. I make it to the mall and soon spot Lou in a Starbucks getting a doughnut, just the thought of a doughnut makes my stomach turn, anyway Louis is one of two of my best friends, he is a slightly smaller boy (he likes to call himself a man but I disagree) with tanned skin, a bright beautiful smile with perfect teeth, a dainty yet well defined perfect curvy body, feathery brown hair that suited him perfectly and best of all. the most perfectly shaped, beautiful blue eyes that could catch anyone's eye. In other words Louis Tomlinson is perfect well except for the fact that he is closeted and REFUSES to come out ever. By me describing Louis you probably think I have a thing for him (which I don't), I am straight but not f-boy straight.

"NEIL!" Louis shouts jerking me out of my thoughts, "haven't seen you in 4 weeks how have you been!" He says as he pulls me into a tight hug making me stop breathing. He might be small but he is definitely the strongest out of the three of us.

"Eh I guess fine... nothing new has happened since you left to go to Ireland to visit your gran" I sigh "just waited for you to get back and for Zayn to finally give me attention after his cousin was here, he sure does love..... what's his name" I said furrowing my eyebrows trying to get the name.

"Liam" Zayn reminds me but I don't realise till a few seconds later and I tackled him into a hug and Louis joining soon after.

We get up and went shopping talking about everything and nothing at the same time, about an hour or so later we decided to make our way to the food court to get lunch, Louis got Nandos and and piece of cake while Zayn settling on a rounder-bucket from KFC, I wanted to vomit just by looking at them eat all that fat. I got myself a bottle of water and a small salad only eating half.

Zayn finished his second piece of chicken before speaking, "do you guys remember Liam? My cousin, you met four years back?"

"Of course!" I say chuckling to myself as I remember how Louis fell head-over-heals for Liam, but it was purely a physical attraction due to Louis not being able go get words out around him, so the two never really had a proper conversation...

Louis is already blushing "yeah?" He squeaked out obviously because he remembers his little crush.

Zayn nearly jumps out his seat getting a little to excited, "Well his dad's mother and well his grandmother fell ill so they are moving back here and this time he has a step brother..."


(998 words)

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