Part Three

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(Zayn, Louis and Niall cuddling)

*Louis POV*
I woke up at 9:30 got dressed and left the house at 9:45 and made my way to Niall's to pick him up, since he wanted to walk again but I wouldn't let him. Niall got in the car and I noticed he was more pail than usual but decided to not mention it until we got to Zayn's, instead focusing on belting the lyrics to 'You belong with me' by Taylor Swift. Not many people know that I love her, only Zayn and Niall. I even told them that she would be the only female I would ever snog!

"ZaaZaa we're here! I bet you missed us!" Niall yelled as soon as we entered the house probably waking the whole neighborhood up.

"Nahhhh, I have got other friends you know, I could live without you guys." Zayn joked, we knew Zayn, he had no other friends.

"Niall, you looking a little pale, have you eaten today?" I asked genuinely concerned. I hoped he wasn't going to be sick for the first day of school.

"Yeah, I think my tan is just fading" he chuckled but I could see something was up and that he never had a tan to begin with but left it at that knowing he wasn't going to budge.

"So Mister sexy-pants what time is the lovely, Liam and co, coming and what do you have to eat?"
I was really hungry and I didn't really care what time the others were coming, I just didn't want Zayn up my back about not caring.

"12 and you can have ONE bowl of cereal and when you done you need to come help me and Ni with the mattresses and guest room." Zayn said it like I was the most stupid thing on earth.

"Guest room?" Niall finally joined the conversation.

"Ye, I doubt Liam's stepsister will want to share a room with us, but if she does we will have a mattress ready for her as well" Zayn said it again like we were so oblivious, just because he is perfect and has the most beautiful raven-coloured hair, chiselled jaw line, long eyelashes and a personality that would keep you entertained for years doesn't mean he can think so low of us. Ok before it sounded like I was crushing on Zayn and I admit I wouldn't be mad if he wanted something with me (hookup or real relationship i don't mind) but I don't have a crush on him.

When I finished my cereal I went and helped with setting everything up and it was almost time for the newcomers to arrive...

*Zayn Pov*

I have the most idiotic friends but I wouldn't change them for the world! Most people think that when you have a friend group of 3 people one person is always faking having fun or enjoying it but with us everyone loves it and that is really amazing but I can't wait for the boys to meet Lima and co, maybe it will be good for us to add a few more people to our trio, this could be really good are bad but knowing us it will be great!

Louis and Niall arrived just before 10 and obviously had to eat away half my kitchen, well Louis not so much Niall, that was concerning considering he eats more than Joey Tribianni from 'Friends'. I just let it be though because I didn't want to cause a fuss before our new mates come.

We set up all the mattresses a total of 5, we didn't do six because Niall was being Niall and wanted to sleep with me and not on his own. Liam won't be happy but who cares. You see Liam is usually my cuddle buddy but ever since Niall cuddled for the first time he became addicted and now cries if we don't let him cuddle with us especially if it is our turn. We set up the guest bedroom and even ordered Nandos, it was now almost time for the new fam to arrive and everything was going smoothly until Louis had to be Louis...

*Niall Pov*

Louis had to go and bring up the fact that I haven't been myself nor have I eaten, he just had to bring it up! Just the thought of talking about it makes me want to vomit and that is exactly what I did.

While I was throwing up I could hear muffled talking and I caught a few words like "fooking hell" "why did he throw up?" "Was it something I said?" That was the last thing I heard before Zayn shouted.


Ok good they think I threw up because of Louis' disgusting yet oddly impressive.... what would you even call it? Trick? Game? I don't know. But if I wasn't on a diet now I would have taken a chip no doubt.

Just as I finished washing up the doorbell rang and someone knocked on the door. What psychopath rings the bell and knocks at the same time? I left the bathroom and I was greeted with three faces I only recognized one as Liam but the beautiful girl and sketchy boy I have never seen in my life.

*Zayn Pov*
The door rang and knocked and louis was shouting and Niall was washing up and everything was chaotic but I stood up and answered to find my boy Liam Payne and his new siblings they both look really sweet and loving but out of the corner of my eye I see Niall eyeing out the boy like he was some kind of wild animal, Louis must have noticed this because he came over and said "what is going on in the kid's brain". This is going to be interesting.

*Louis Pov*

When the doorbell rang Zayn got up and answered, when he opened the door he revealed a HOT guy with a sweet smile and a t-shirt that had the batman logo on and I couldn't help but go to Zayn and say "what is going on in this kid's brain" then when my eyes fell onto the girl and boy I could tell I was going to LOVE the girl the boy ehh he looked sweet and he was good looking but I would never date him. I guess they saw me staring because they finally spoke up.

Batman boy was the first to speak up, "Hey I am Liam, you probably don't remember me and these are my new sibli-"

He was cut off by the beutiful Girl, "Hey I am Gemma and this is my younger brother Harry, our secound name is Styles, Gemma Styles and Harry Styles"

Niall was quick to speak up, "Nice to meet you, would you like to come in and I can get you something to drink?"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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