Top Kenma

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-Hinata's pov-

I haven't seen Kenma in a while, so when I got a text from him asking me to go to the beach with him I was happier than a toddler who just got a new toy. Obviously, I agreed to it and texted him back with the biggest smile on my face saying that I would be ready in an hour. I was in Tokyo with my team, the MSBY Black Jackals, for a game and we still had a few days before then so I figured it would be a good time to relax and spend time with my old friend.

I had all the things that I needed packed: two beach towels, sunscreen, my swim trunks, and some snacks and water bottles in case we got hungry or thirsty. I slipped on my sandals and walked out the door locking it behind me.
(Time skip to Kenma's house because I don't know what to write)

I knocked on the door and he answered, "Hey Shouyou, all set?" he asked with an unusually big smile on his face.

I smiled back, "Yep! I got everything we should need!" I chuckled slightly at his smile, it was cute but it wasn't normal for Kenma to be smiling that much. "You seem more excited than usual." I remarked.

He shrugged, "I just haven't seen you in a while. Well, besides at the training camp but we didn't get to hang out much there." Kenma said with a small smile. "Plus, I'm really excited for today." He smirked as he walked out the door past me, motioning for me to follow.
(Time skip to when they got to the beach because I'm too lazy to write about their walk)

I looked up at the sign for the beach and my face flushed, "A n-nude beach?!"

-Kenma's pov-

I stopped walking and looked over at Shou's face raising an eyebrow, "You alright, Shouyou? This doesn't bother you, does it?"

He looked up at me and shook his head slightly, "No, I-I guess not but I've just never been to one y'know? It just kinda shocked me that you wanted to come here." He spoke with a slightly nervous voice, which I could tell he was trying to hide. I grabbed his hand and started walking again.

"No need to be nervous, Shou-chan." I looked at him with a grin.

"R-right, of course not." He spoke with his cheeks still flushed. We found a spot on the beach and Shouyou set up his things. He laid down two towels for us to sit on. Then I started undressing, taking off my shirt and he looked at me with a red face.

"What?" I said slightly chuckling, "I mean, it's called a nude beach for a reason right?"

He started nodding and then shook his head while closing his eyes, "I'm- I'm sorry Kenma-san but I-I can't. Not in public." I then watched as he ran off to the bathrooms.

My eyes widened and I took off after him, "Sh-Shou-chan wait! Slow down!" I yelled trying to keep up with the energetic boy. I got to the bathrooms and opened the door. I saw the biggest stall and looked down seeing his feet and knocked on the door, "Shouyou? Can I come in?" I waited a couple seconds before the door unlocked and I opened it walking in. I shut the door and locked it again, "Shou...What's wrong? I thought you said it doesn't bother you?"

He looked up at me with innocent eyes, speaking softly and stuttered, fiddling with his fingers, "It-It doesn't but...w-well, I like you, and if I saw you l-like...that in public I-." He shoved his face in his hands and mumbled gibberish.

I smirked and walked over to him, it was cute how shy he was when talking about the subject. I moved his hands away from his face and cupped it with my own hands looking him in the eyes, "'s alright. I like you too. I get that you might be embarrassed in public like that. Most people are." I studied his face but more specifically watching his lips, they looked so soft. I rubbed my thumb to his bottom lip and bit my own, I looked back up at his eyes, "Shouyou, you're so...beautiful. Can I kiss you?"

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