Part 1 A New Beginning

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Arizona was standing in the airport with Sofia glued to her side waiting for Callie to come pick them up. While they were waiting all Arizona could think about was that text Callie sent her saying "I can't wait to see you". What did this mean? Callie didn't say I can't wait to see you guys all she said was I can't wait to see you. Was this Callie hinting that she wanted to get back together? Did Callie still love Arizona? Did she still have those feelings?

Arizona suddenly stopped with her thoughts when she heard Sofia yell Mama. She looked over and there she was Callie was standing there arms wide open bringing Sofia into a big hug. Arizona just stood there amazed at the beauty of Callie. This was the first time she had seen Callie in a long time and now all of the sudden she was standing right in front of her.

Callie broke the hug with Sofia and then just starred at Arizona. She broke the silence and said hi, Arizona its good to see you. As soon as she said Arizona she could see Arizona's dimples become noticeable. Arizona was so glad to hear Callie say her name again lately they had only talked over text so Arizona hasn't heard Callie say her name since she left for New York. Arizona smiled and said Hi Calliope. That's when Arizona realized what she did she called her Calliope yeah sure she has called her that since the divorce but she hasn't said it directly to her since that day in therapy. Callie didn't seem to be bothered by it, it actually looked like she liked being called that.

Callie spoke up So, how was the flight? It was good but little miss got scared at first but I was able to calm her down. Well, that is good why don't we head back to the house and then we can order some pizza. How does that sound to you Sofia? It sounds good I love pizza! Callie looked over at Arizona to make sure it was ok with her and Arizona nodded to ensure that it was fine.

 After a 2 hour drive they had finally arrived at Callie's house. They got settled in and ordered some pizza. While eating their pizza they sat on the couch watching a movie each of them sat beside Sofia so she didn't get jealous and it also helped avoid awkwardness between Callie and Arizona so that was good. The movie was just about over when Callie looked over to see both Sofia and Arizona asleep Callie couldn't help but smile at the fact that both of them were sound asleep. She missed this the movie nights, the cuddles, eating pizza in the living room, she missed all of it. Callie just stayed put watching them sleep until she started getting sleepy herself she got up and grabbed a blanket and covered both Arizona and Sofia with it and headed upstairs to go to bed.


Callie woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. She headed downstairs to see what was going on and there Arizona was making breakfast she just stood and stared at the sight of Arizona cooking in her kitchen until Arizona noticed Callie's presence so she acted like she had just walked into the room.

Oh hey, how did you sleep Callie? I slept good, but i think i should be asking you because your the one who slept on the couch. Arizona laughed and said yes, but it wasn't that bad its quite comfy. Callie looked around the corner to see that Sofia was no longer on the couch and asked Arizona where she was. Yeah, I forgot to mention this but Sofia wanted to go play with some of her friends so I said that she could. I mean I would have asked you but you were sound asleep I tried waking you up but you didn't bug so I just left you be and let her go. Oh ok that's fine so that means its just us here for the day. Uh, yeah i guess so Arizona said with a giggle.

Do you have any plans I know that you mentioned something about going apartment shopping? Well, uh I am not sure I think I might just take today to get settled in and go out looking tomorrow. If you want me to go today I can so you can have your house to yourself Callie. No, Arizona don't be crazy you can stay here for as long as you need or for as long as you want. As soon as Callie said that Arizona looked up at Callie and they made eye contact.

Arizona could feel her palms getting sweaty and felt a huge rush of blood flow through her body. They would have stared at each other for a lot longer if it wasn't for the interruption of the bacon starting to sizzle because there was no grease in the pan.

Arizona quickly turned off the stove and put the bacon onto a plate. Does that mean your done because I am starving. Yes, Callie that means I am done. Callie quickly walked over to the counter where the bacon was and put some on her plate in the process Arizona tried competing with her to try and get the best pieces when their hands touched.

Arizona just froze for a minute until she felt Callie's eyes looking at her she looked up at Callie they made eye contact for a minute or so and thats when things started to get more intense. Callie could feel her body tense up because she was touching Arizona this was a touch that she hadn't felt in a very long time but it still felt the same it was very electrifying like Arizona and her touching set her body on fire but not in a bad way it felt really good she had missed that feeling. Callie was lost in her thoughts until she felt her and Arizona getting closer and closer they were so close that their lips were almost touching and as soon as they were about to kiss that's when Callie's pager went off.

Callie then backed away to look at her pager and then said I gotta go they need me to do an emergency surgery I will be back as soon as I can I am sorry. Callie was confused about what had almost happened between her and Arizona it made her feel bad about leaving Arizona hanging like that but she had to go. She grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Arizona just stood there stunned at what had just happened or what almost happened.

She slowly felt her body go back down to its normal temperature and her heart began to slow down again. She couldn't believe that Callie and her almost kissed. Did Callie even want to kiss her? Did Callie still have feelings for her? Arizona knew that she wanted to kiss Callie but she didn't know how Callie felt about it. Arizona just pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and started eating her breakfast.

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