Part 2 Where To Go From Here

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Arizona was cooking dinner when Callie came through the front door. "Hey Callie I didn't know you were coming home tonight." Arizona said while glancing at Callie. "Yeah, I wasn't going to but my surgery got cancelled so I decided I would come home. What are you making?" Callie said as she walked closer to Arizona but there was still quite a bit of distance between them. "I was trying to make some chicken but didn't turn out very good so I think I am going to order pizza." Arizona said with a chuckle. "Yeah pizza sounds really good actually but that must sound crazy since we just had it." Callie said with a smile. Callie didn't know how to act around Arizona now because of their most recent encounter Callie wasn't even sure if Arizona was wanting Callie to kiss her. She just didn't want things to be weird between them now but she feels like that's the direction their headed towards. "Yeah it does but we do love pizza around here so I will call and order." Arizona said while walking over to the fridge to look at the menu that was hung up by a magnet to get the phone number for the pizza place. Arizona called and ordered the pizza after she did she sat down at the table and started looking at Instagram while Callie just stood there silently until she decided to break the silence. 

"Arizona, I..I think we need to talk." Callie said while sitting in the chair next to Arizona. "What do we need to talk about?" Arizona obviously knew what Callie was referring to but she wanted to know what Callie would say about what she said. "You know what I am talking about Arizona and I know that you probably just want to avoid it but we need to talk about it." "Yes, Callie we should talk about it but I don't know what to say about it. We almost kissed there isn't really much more to say about it." Arizona said.  "Arizona there is a lot more to say about the fact that we almost kissed you are just putting your walls up and pretending like it didn't happen." Arizona chuckled and said "Callie you can't blame me for putting my walls up. I mean you did leave me and then after knowing someone for less than a year you moved away with her and took our daughter so I think I have a right to put up as many walls as I want. Callie felt hurt about Arizona said but she knew it was the truth. "Please don't be like that Arizona don't act like it was my fault that I brought Sofia here your the one who told me I could." Your right Callie I did let you but it was to make you happy. I wanted her to stay with me I would have loved for her to stay and I had every right to keep her away from you and not let you bring her here but you were so unhappy that I put my feelings aside so that you could be happy again. It took everything I had not to let you take her away but after everything I put you through I thought it was only right for me to let you." Arizona said while trying to hold her tears back. 

She hated bringing up the past because she knew a lot of their issues were her fault and she didn't like to think about all the mistakes she had made back then. "So now it's my fault that I was unhappy and I forced you to let her come with me." Callie said trying to keep her cool. "Callie I never said it was your fault but your good at putting words in my mouth." Arizona said knowing that she shouldn't have said it. "Arizona what is that suppose to mean?" Callie said while standing up from her chair starring at Arizona who was playing with her hands. "Callie you know exactly what I mean, but I am not going to bring it up because we will get into a big fight over it and I'm not in the mood to fight with you about the past." "No Arizona, don't get to do that. You don't get to say something and not explain to it to me so explain to me what you mean." Callie said while crossing her arms. "While we were doing therapy you were constantly putting words in my mouth you even did it with the whole baby situation and your doing it now." "I never put any words in your mouth!" Callie said raising her voice a little. "Oh my god Callie! Stop lying to yourself! You know as well as I do that you put words into my mouth about the baby situation. I wanted to have another baby but we were both so busy that I wanted to wait and you started telling me that I didn't want one when I did." Arizona explained. Callie went to go speak but got interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "I'll get it." Arizona said while grabbing some cash from her purse and walking to the door to pay and grab the pizza. 

They both ate their pizza in silence after they were done Callie went to wash their plates Arizona decided to speak. "Look I'm sorry, I...I just I don't know what to do about us Callie I am just so confused and I shouldn't have brought out my anger on you by bringing up old stuff." She said while approaching Callie. Callie looked at how close they were and its like she could feel Arizona breath on her own skin. "I know I am difficult sometimes but I don't know what to do about us either I just-." "I think that maybe I need to just give you space so you can figure out what you want without me interfering. "But I don't want space Arizona" Callie said surprised at her own words. "Then what do you want?" Arizona said looking at Callie. "I want.....I want you Arizona." "I want you too its just-" before Arizona could finish her sentence she was cut off by Callie's lips crashing onto hers. 

Arizona kissed her back and then pulled Callie close to her and began to deepen the kiss. Callie then pinned Arizona against the counter without pulling their lips apart. Arizona pulled her lips away from Callie's and went straight for her neck. She pulled Callie's shirt off reavealing a very sexy black bra. Callie began taking off Arizona's clothes until she was only in her bra and underwear. Callie lifted Arizona up on the counter and began kissing her again. "God Callie." Arizona moaned in between breaths. "Calliope I need more." Callie took that as a hint to keep going so she moved her hand under Arizona's underwear and start rubbing her clit. "More." Arizona said while wrapping her legs around Callie trying to bring her closer. Arizona felt Callie plunged 2 fingers deep into her core. "Oh god Calliope." "Arizona your so wet. How are you this wet?" Callie asked while still moving her fingers in and out of her ex wife. "You. It's because of you." When Callie heard that she moved her thumb up to Arizona's clit to massage it while keeping her fingers busy. "I'm coming!" Arizona yelled. "I got you just come for me." Callie said while quicking her pace knowing that it was just what she needed to come. "Oh god." Arizona moaned while Callie felt Arizona's juices coat her hand. "That was-" Callie breathe out. "Amazing" Arizona said while looking at Callie as she tried to catch her breath. "Arizona what was that?" "I don't know but I think we should talk before anything like that happens again." Arizona explained. "I agree but first just let me do this one more time." Arizona had no clue what she was about to do but she suddenly knew what Callie had meant by that when she felt Callie's lips touch hers but before she could reciprocate the kiss Callie had pulled away and was putting her shirt back on. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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