✼죽은 꽃✼

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Today was the last day of our little trip, then it'd be back to being friendly strangers. Tonight we thought it would be best if we took a ride on a boat and had a small picnic. It was such a pretty view, when the sky is a grey-blue, gradually turning dark. The moon was already visible.

"Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?"
Ryujin asked, with a bit of concern on her face.

"I'm an expert at everything, of course, I know."
I smirked.

"You weren't an expert a few days ago with the skates."

"When will you stop bringing that up!"
I groaned.

She giggled.

"You know I was thinking and..."

I smirked, discretely dipping my hand on the water.

"You're looking a little dry!"
I splashed water on her face with an evil laugh.

"Y/N stop!!"
She shrieked but followed to splash water on me too. Soon we were having a water fight and we ended up soaking wet.
Since we were already wet we thought we should just take a swim. Although the water was freezing cold and we risked getting sick, it was the most fun we had the whole trip.

We stopped for a moment just laughing and staring at each other.
She looked so pretty under the moonlight that I i might just...I know I shouldn't...but I slowly approached her and kissed her. Ryujin kissed back, she still had the same soft lips from before, they were cold though.

"Stop, we shouldn't..."
Ryujin backed away, gently pushing me back.

"I'm sorry."
I said.

"I should have told you this sooner...im engaged y/n."
She confessed, I was surprised. This whole time she had been engaged and I was such a fool.

"I like you, I always have but we can't be together. My mother wants me to marry him, I can't do anything about it and I hate him so much."
She said trying to hold back her tears.

"We can never be together, we just don't belong...I thought one day I'd meet you again and we could restart but that was never an option."
I didn't know what to say so I hugged her. I guess this life just wasn't meant for us or perhaps some people are just never meant to be, the words Ryujin said seemed so familiar like I had heard them before.

"Hey you!"


Someone was yelling, trying to get my attention. Things started to get blurry, my hearing turned foggy it's like I was being pulled down.

𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑒 ║IZTY RYUJINWhere stories live. Discover now