Chapter 1

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**General layout/idea of what the house looks like**

"You're an idiot. I'm an idiot. We're the co-presidents of Club Idiot." I said, throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"Would you please relax," Jamie sighed. "You said you wanted to do something fun, right?"

"Yeah I said fun, not illegal."

"What's the difference."

"A lot of things actually."

We were currently walking across a dark field. I could feel the wet grass soaking into my sneakers. "Ugh, why did I agree to this?" I groaned. "You are the king of bad ideas but this one takes the cake."

"Would you please shut up!" He whisper-yelled. "I know what I'm doing but if you don't shut your mouth we are going to get caught."

I made a face as he turned his back. I wished I was back at home, in bed with a nice book. I don't even like going to parties, so why did I bother this time?

You know why, a small voice in the back of my head said. You knew he was going to be there.

I mentally shushed the voice, turning my attention back to Jamie. He was currently crouched next to a rusty fence, prying the bottom of it up. The fence creaked, I looked around nervously. "Can up hurry up!" I whispered as loud as I dared.

"Be quiet and let me focus!" He whispered back.

I glanced around again, only seeing the darkness and the tops of a few tall trees nearby. The other side of the field had disappeared, swallowed up by the ever growing darkness. For a moment I let myself think back to the night before, when Jamie had dragged me out this "social gathering" as he called it. I thought it would just be our small group of friends. And Him. The voice added. I ignored it. God, I was so stupid. I should've never listened to Jamie. He was always getting into trouble, I knew that. He had a pretty bad rep at school but he's not a mean person, never once has he made me uncomfortable or anything. All of my teachers constantly remind me that he is "not the kind of person I should associate myself with." It makes sense, we are as different as night and day, he is the 'tough guy,' all tattoos and leather jackets. Me on the other hand, I was all cream colored sweaters and classic novels.

Jamie snapped his fingers in front of my eyes, startling me. He gestured to the fence he had pulled up, I looked at it skeptically, I didn't look very big and there were sharp pieces of metal sticking out that looked like it could tear skin. Jamie pushed me toward it, GO, he mouthed. I internally sighed before getting down to my knees. I slowly slid under the fence, going carefully and slowly; pushing myself as far into the ground as possible so I would catch on the fence. I could feel the dirt covering my clothes. A rock pushed painfully into my side until I finally shoved myself out from underneath the fence. I rolled to the side, giving Jamie space to follow, I'm not sure how he managed to do it so much faster than me, he was like five inches taller than me. I pushed myself into a sitting position, feeling around to see if anything cut, nothing but a few scrapes it seemed. Jamie pulled me onto my feet

"Okay, the house should be only a little ways farther now. But we are going to have to be pretty silent. And make sure to stick to the shadows, this guy's security is intense." 

I nodded, I don't think I could muster up words at this point. I had a growing knot in my stomach. I pushed it down and followed Jamie as he snuck along the tree line. We stuck to the shadows, and didn't say a word. It felt like it was taking all night just to get to his house.

Jamie hold told me a few hours before we left that this house was supposed to be a jackpot. The guy who lived here was old and just sitting on piles of cash. However, the house was in the middle of nowhere, literally. We had to drive like ten miles out of town then walk across a big ass feild and now this huge property. I was already exhausted and my hands hurt from pushing myself under the fence. I pulled on Jamie's sleeve, he turned around, a questioning look on his face. "How much longer?" I whispered, leaning closer to him.

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