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After we arrived home I got to my apartment I, yet again, started to pack. I had to wash the clothes I took on this trip. Shane said we were going to leave tomorrow. It was around 8 pm so I quickly made a list of things I needed to pack in the morning. After that I went to sleep. 

The next morning I woke up, finished packing and got ready. Since we were going to be in a car for about an hour, I went with something casual yet comfy. Skinny jeans, white tank top, cream colored cardigan, sneakers, this look was super cute, professional, and comfy. I grabbed my things as I heard a knock. I heard Jackie had answered the door and heard the sound of Shane. I grabbed my bags heading to the door. I said my goodbyes yet again to Jackie and we left. Once we got down the stairs I threw my bags in his back seat. We hopped in and he started driving to his parents. 

I was nervous as to what would happen. Would they like me or hate me? Would I make a good first impression? Are they going to put me in their family drama? Do they even have family drama? As if he could read my mind, "they will love you." 

Luckily his home is about 2 hours away so we arrived very fast. I take a look around and notice a herd of cattle and 2 older men on horses. They seem to be herding the cows into another pasture. He pulled into the long dirt road leading up to the house. Seeing a nice beautiful family home. He parked his truck next to an Audi SUV. I presume this was his mothers car. We hopped out and made our way up the wooden patio as Shane knocked on the door. This would be my home. I can't wait to be married with children and to have a home like this. What memories the future can hold. 

I took the opportunity to observe what Shane was wearing as we waited. He was wearing simple jeans, twisted-x, and a blue-pink colored flannel with a cap on. He looked pretty good. I can't believe I hadn't noticed before now. 

"Hi Shane," an older woman answered the door hugging Shane. She was a picture perfect southern parent. She had wavy blonde and brown hair flown along a nice floral dress. She was beautiful. I presume this was his mother. "And who is the beauty?" She turned towards my direction, hugging me. I immediately hugged back. I took in the smell of strawberries. 

"Hi I'm Kelsi." I said with a huge smile, fearing I wouldn't be accepted if I didn't. She invited us in and oh my gosh. This entry way, as soon as you walk into the house, was beautiful. The elegant staircase on the right side and the kitchen to the left side. I must have been gawking for too long, "is everything ok?" "Yes ma'am I just am in love with your house." "Oh please don't call me ma'am, that makes me sound old, please call me Stephanie," she said with a huge smile. I nodded in return to her statement.

We walk into a large room, I assume the living room, and saw several other women sitting with some drinks. "Everyone this is Shane and his girlfriend Kelsi," Stephanie said to the women. I immediately looked at Shane as she called me his girlfriend. His face said don't worry about it. Sure that will happen. 

I smiled at everyone as they said their hi's. "This is Mary, Elise, and Blaire. Their husbands are outside dealing with the cows." That must be who I saw outside. They continued with their chat as Shane and I walk to the kitchen. "I am so sorry Kelsi I didn't think they would introduce you as my girlfriend." "Everything is fine, I will just play along. How hard could it be?" He started to pour a drink, I assume its vodka. I can't handle vodka personally. Tried it once and it didn't agree with my stomach.

"Oh are you two love birds going to come and mingle?" With that I smiled and started walking to the living once again with Shane shortly behind me. "I need you two to explain how you met." I looked at Shane to see if he wanted to explain but the look on his face said for me to explain. "Well we met at his party he threw." "Oh wow. How did he ask you out?" "Well," thinking of something, "he asked me to the movies and a nice dinner." "You know you are so basic. Couldn't have been more exciting or creative?" Stephanie talked towards Shane. I couldn't help but giggle. The conversation went on about them asking questions about our 'relationship'. I made a few stories up. After about an hour of talking, Shane finally took a seat after standing next to his mom. He sat really close to me and put his hand on my leg. Close to my knee so I wasn't too concerned about the position, "I am just trying to make this believable." He whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. "Oh my gosh did he just say something dirty in your ear?" Everyone laughed at the idea and the way she had said that. She sounded so excited. 

A few more hours went by and we were sitting here talking. Getting to know everyone. This family was a delight. I am enjoying myself. We all decided to head to bed as it was 10 pm. We went and grabbed our bags from his car and headed up to his old bedroom. I guess since I was pretending to be his girlfriend I would have to sleep with him. 

We made our way to his room. Opening the door and walking in, I looked around the room. Expecting to find a messy little boys room, I actually found it to be a very neat bedroom. The bed, a navy blue with grey pillows, was neatly made. The room smelled of cookies, the fresh kind. Next to the bed were two night stands with a lamb on one and an alarm clock on the other. I assumed I would take the side with the alarm clock, the left side, so I put my stuff on this side. I glanced up to see Shane looking happy. I smiled at the thought of him being happy to see his family. Don't get me wrong I am happy to see my family just not my aunt. Those things go deeper than anyone knows, including my aunt. Some things she doesn't understand. 

I went to my bag, grabbing some shorts and an oversized shirt. At the same time, Shane left the room. I took this chance to change in the room so I wouldn't have to see the family. I pulled my jeans off and put my shorts on, and pulled my shirt and bra off as well. I find sleeping bra-less feels comfier. As I pulled the shirt over my head, I heard the door open, "oh I'm sorry." "It's okay Shane." I quickly pulled the shirt down. I finished getting ready for bed as Shane did the same. 

The knock on the door caught our attention, "knock knock kids," she had the biggest smile, "how are we settling in?" We both nodded and smiled back at her. She asked a few more questions, finishing with, "ok kids now these walls aren't sound proof." I understood what she meant by that before Shane did and my mouth dropped. He finally caught up, "mom!" "Good night love birds." With that she shut the door and we went to bed. 

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