part 1

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Noah sighed, reaching over to his camera. He needed something to do. Something, to distract him. He flipped the camera's screen open, but then put the camera down in haste as he heard a thump somewhere in his house.

He wasn't alone.

Noah moved slowly across his room, quietly picking up the bat by his door in case he needed to defend himself. Another thump. Closer this time. Noah tip toed over to the door, slowly turned the knob, and slammed open the door. There was no one there.

" Who's there!" Noah shouted, acting like every stupid person in any horror movie ever. But he had a reason to be paranoid. The " Collective" was scaring him shitless with creepy, cryptic messages and nightmares. And the Observer wasn't any help. After finding that creepy recording device the Observer had planted in his house, he chose his words more carefully. And also didn't sing in the shower anymore.

Noah sighed and closed the door. I must just be paranoid. It's probably just a squirrel on my roof or something.

He couldn't quite shake the feeling that he was bring watched, either. He dropped the bat, not caring if it made any noise. It fell to the ground with a dull clunk. He plopped down on his bed, then laid down, staringk blankly and the white ceiling.

He didn't have time to see who it was when his door opened, because everything went black.

My only ( Noah x observer)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant