Chapter | 6

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After you left Sunwoo's room, you dropped off some of the clothes he had given you in your room, taking a pair with you to the bathroom. You carefully closed the door, making sure to lock it and searching for towels before you got in the shower. They were in the cabinet by the door, like Sunwoo said. After peeling off the bandage on your neck, you sighed, happy to finally get a shower. You turned the water on and began to undress, stepping into the hot water.

You wet your hair, looking around the shower for soap or shampoo to wash with. You found a bottle of strawberry body wash and laughed to yourself. Strawberry soap? Weird but better than nothing.

You lathered it in your hair and scrubbed your body, carefully rubbing the dried blood off your neck. You stood in the shower, letting the hot water caress your skin before rinsing yourself off and stepping out. You grabbed a towel, drying yourself as best you could and wrapping it around you. You stared at yourself in the mirror, examining your tired face and looking at your neck.

You bit your lip, the skin around the bite mark was starting to bruise and the bite itself wasn't healing much. You gently touched it, surprised it didn't hurt anymore, even when you pressed on it. You decided to ask Sunwoo about it later. You unfolded his clothes, examining them.

He gave you grey sweatpants and a huge black t-shirt. You knitted your eyebrows, is he actually this much bigger than you or is this just a big shirt? It looked like a dress on you, almost passing your knees. You decided against the sweatpants since they were practically twice the size of you and wouldn't stay up either way.

You dried your hair as best you could and hung up the towel to dry. You brought your dirty clothes to your room and placed them on your bed along with his useless sweatpants. You sat on your bed for a moment, letting your hair dry a little more and playing on your phone.

After a while, you stood, heading next door to Sunwoo's room. You knocked before opening it and headed inside. Sunwoo sat at his desk, playing games on his computer.

He turned, hearing the door shut. "What's up-" he stopped, staring at you. "So are you just not gonna wear pants from now on?" He laughed, turning back to his computer screen.

"Sorry, I forgot seeing my knees was too much for you." You teased, flopping down on his bed and watching him play.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "It's weird having you here. Normally Eric comes in here to bother me but now it's just you."

"It's just me?" You asked, pretending to be offended.

"Yep, it's just you," he smiled, glancing at you, "why are you in here anyways?" He asked, staring at his computer.

"Do you want me to leave?" You asked, Sunwoo shrugged. "Okay, I'll just go and see what Cobie's up to-" you started. Sunwoo whipped his head around, turning his computer off.

"Stay," he said softly. You smiled to yourself, he looked like a puppy.

"I can't sleep and I'm hungry." You said.

Sunwoo smiled, "let's go get some snacks then."

You hopped up off his bed and followed him to the door and down the stairs into the kitchen. He opened the cabinets and pulled out a bag of chips and two juice pouches.

"You like these, don't you?" He asked. You nodded, taking the bag from him and opening it.

"Thought so," he laughed, opening your juice pouch and handing it to you. You happily sipped on the juice pouch and twirled around the kitchen. You hummed as you ate the chips, spinning by Sunwoo every so often and letting him grab a handful of them.

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