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I'm going to turn 18 next week.

Here in Veritas, that means we're finally allowed to work at Tempestas.
Many other Helios like me have been training for this day since our lives began.

The hallways of the HTC are buzzing with excitement. There's not one person who doesn't want to work in a place like Tempestas.
I've heard stories of people who never finished training and were banished from the clouds. That story still gives me chills.
Some people do finish training but they don't work at Tempestas, it's not a crime per se, but it's frowned upon.

I spot my best friend, Dawn, by my locker, with excitement on her face.
I walk over to her and her face lights up when she sees me.

"Lia! I've been waiting since forever! Where were you?" She berates me before I could type in the combination for my locker.

"Hey Dawn, aren't you excited? We're graduating HTC next week!" I say, completely ignoring her. The mention of graduating is enough for her to put her 'scolding' face away.
"I know!! It seems like just yesterday when we were little Helios walking into these hallways." She says nostalgically.

Before any more words were exchanged, the bell rings and Dawn mutters and 'oh shoot' before speed walking away because running is forbidden in the hallways.

'She's such a goody-two-shoes.' I think to myself, walking to my first class of the day, 'Sunlight making'.

Thankfully I reach class before our teacher could come in.

I settle down in my seat, my mind wandering over to what kind of life I'm gonna have at Tempestas.

"Ms. Aelia. Are you even listening to me?" a stern voice cuts off my daydream.

Oh no.

"Yes, Mrs.Solana." I reply, in hopes of her believing me. It's not very likely though, she can spot out lies from a mile away.

She gives me the look, and I know I'm in for it.

"Ms. Aelia, should I be reminding you of your graduation next week?" she starts.
"No m-"
"Should you be reminded of your life's duty in providing sunlight for the earthlings?"

I don't bother speaking cuz I know she'll cut me off again.
"I'll take your silence assign that you'll pay more attention to the most important class you'll have in your life."


Classes finish much slower when you want it to end and just get out of this place to face the real world.
I managed to pull through without Dawn in any of my classes before lunch.

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