1 Week later

17 7 2

Aelia stands on stage, her graduation robes shining brightly. A smile on every person's face.
They were graduating. Aelia never in her life had felt so proud, other than the moment she first produced a ray of sunshine.
And she'll turn 18 tomorrow.

And right next door, in the STC, Astor also stood, tall and proud. The wind ruffling his already messy, navy blue hair. He had aced his finals despite not being able to study in his loud house. He produced thunder and lightning, wind and rain, "all done perfectly" in his teachers' words.
And on point, he turned 18 yesterday.

Standing on stage, they both imagined life at Tempestas.
Aelia imagining all the sunny days she'll create for the earthlings.
Astor imagining a world where he's proved for good how wrong the Helios were.

Both in their own, little worlds.

For now.

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