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Taehyung Pov
Three days have passed in which Y/N has not even left her room. She refused her meals each time. She hardly spoke to us, instead she was just crying. She seems so lifeless, sad, tired and simply weak.

She did not even visit Jungkook again although she was one of the most worried about him. I still don't understand their relationship. Y/N was very afraid of Jungkook in the beginning. She was so scared that she didn't dare to go near him. And Jungkook...he has never opened up to a woman since the incident a few years ago. Y/N is the first woman who has aroused his interest. I can't describe it exactly but I think Jungkook has built such a deep bond in this short time that he would do anything for her. I thought about whether it could be that he really loves her. Everything points to it but I have the feeling he still keeps a distance to her. Is he afraid of being hurt again? Is he afraid of hurting her? I really don't understand it. I just wish that he will be happy again. For a long, long time I saw the old Jungkook blossoming again and not the broken Jungkook who didn't see any sense in life anymore.

I decided to visit Jungkook one last time. From tomorrow on he will be allowed to leave the bed said Hyung.
I knocked on the room door and went in. "Ah Hyung, what are you doing here?" Jungkook greeted me.
"I just came to check on you. Are you okay?"
"Yes, much better than before. I can't wait to leave.Did you talk to her?" he asked, looking at me.
I shook my head. "I tried, but she's blocking everything. She hardly eats any more and constantly talks about her whole life being a lie." Concerned, Jungkook looks at the floor when suddenly the door opens and
Y/N came in. Shocked we looked at her. Nobody had expected this. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked quietly.

Jungkook PoV
When she walked in the door I felt like I was frozen. She seemed so different. Her skin was pale, her eyes were tired - they didn't shine like they usually did and her whole body...how long has she not eaten?! Her full thighs - she definitely lost weight and not just a little but a lot.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked and sat down on one of the chairs. I looked worriedly at Hyung who gave me the same look. She sat there for a few minutes and did not speak. Instead, it looked like she was hesitating, hesitating to speak.
"I have decided to return to my father."
A few seconds passed in which I had to process what she said before I looked at her face in shock. I saw it in her eyes. Insecurity. But of what?

"You can't be serious..." I said, you could tell from my tone of voice that I was visibly overwhelmed. And I am rarely.
She did not answer, instead she just looked at me. She looked at me as if she had no reason to stay here anymore. As if she just wanted to forget everything and go home. Was it really like that?
Taehyung tried to make it clear by coughing briefly and finally asking a question. "Would you like to explain why?"
Again a few seconds of silence.

"I want to go home. I have my reasons and I think-


I jumped out of my bed in rage, my IV that was attached to my arm  broke off. I couldn't stop myself, so Taehyung tried to calm me down but it was no use.
"Jungkook, calm dow-

But I never got an answer. She fell silent and suddenly started sobbing. Why is she crying now?

"I don't want my father to hurt you because of me. Please... just let me go."

And that's when I understood.....
She's just doing it for us.

At that moment it was hardly possible to talk to her. She was just crying and wasn't sure of her decision, but she didn't want anything to happen to us. She finally left the room on her own. Overwhelmed with the whole situation, I buried my face in my hands and suddenly felt Hyung's hand on my back.

„Wait until she calms down and talk to her afterwards."

He was right-as he often is. He is not like me. He should take my place...

The day was coming to an end and when Jin Hyung finally came to check again, he dismissed me early. So I could leave this damn bed.

I called a meeting shortly after. Without Y/N.

"And she really wants to go home?" asked Yoongi Hyung to get a clear confirmation.

„Yes, but I won't let that happen. I won't ask anything from you this time even if I am the leader but...I will enter this war for her. She will not go home. We will fight until I kill her father myself. I don't expect you To-

"She's family. We will do this together." Jimin interrupted me and stood up just as the rest suddenly stood up.

I was overwhelmed by the sight. Our group had been at odds for so long, we were no longer a real team. We were all only here to function but not to live together. And for the first time in a long time I felt the feeling of family again.

"Let's do it!"

I heard a knock on the door and when Jungkook finally stood in front of me, I already knew what it was all about. I was sitting on the bed, looking at the floor, when I noticed Jungkook coming closer and closer to me. „Jungkoo-
But before I could speak further, he leaned even closer to me until I felt him wrap his arms around me and rest his chin on my head.
,,I will not let you go, you belong to me - to us. No matter what it takes, we will do everything we can to win this war. We are a family and I won't let you go back to your father and be locked up again."

Every word he said was so sincere. But one thing still worried me.

"How are you going to do this Jungkook? There are so many risks and problems that will come up."

„Don't worry. I already know how we are going to proceed. This is our headquarters, but apparently your father knows our address by now. He probably followed us when we were outside. We have a second house, a little smaller. It's a little further away but it's secluded in the woods. It's our retreat when things get really dangerous. You will love it. It's all wood and very cozy. We will stay there for a while and continue planning how to defeat your father. The safety of all of us, and especially you, is our highest priority at the moment."

The idea of finally being safe reassured me. I trusted him. Even though we may not have known each other for long, I trusted his words. On every single one.

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