Chapter Nineteen

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Daenerys's POV

"Congratulation my queen," I looked down to see Bran Stark. "Thank you I'm just glad the North excepted me as a ruler," I smiled but the boy shook his head. "I am talking about the continuation of your line," the boy smiled and my eyes widen. "What?"

"I'm talking about the child inside my sister," he said but I was still frozen. Sister? Child? Inside? I looked into the distance trying to think, "the dark night. I...I..." the boy smiled. "I can see everything. Past. Present. Future."

"I need to go find Missandei. Thank you for telling me Bran," I ran away down the hall. When I get to my room I hope Missandei is still in there. "My queen I thought you were going to see Arya?" I looked to my best friend then close the door, "Bran says Arya is pregnant." I blurted out and Missandei looked at me, "the long night... Arya and you... is there anyway that Bran is misinformed I mean how can he know?"

There was a knock on the door, "Daenerys I saw you running is everything alright?" I opened the door and pulled Sansa into the room, "Sansa I need to know if your brother is really... if he knows everything." The red haired woman looked down at me, "Bran knows things that we will never know if he said something will happen it will happen. What... what did he say?"

"He congratulated me on the continuation of your line," Sansa paused. "Arya," Sansa whispered looking into the distance. "You know about my curse don't you?" The red wolf looked into my eyes, "Arya's pregnant with your child... isn't she." I slowly nod, "if your brother is right then yes. Arya is pregnant with my child."

"Fuck what am I going to do?" I asked the red wolf. "Well first you are going to go talk to Arya about what Bran said and then your going to have to except she's still going to run into battle no matter what you say." I groaned, "of course she'll run into battle she is Arya." Sansa smiled and Missandei giggled, "stupidly reckless that sister of mine."

"I love her stupid recklessness... except when she has my child inside her! Oh god Sansa what if something happens to her I wouldn't be able to live without her now that I got her." Missandei smiled, "I'm sure she will be okay my queen after all she does have a big Direwolf that would kill for her and you saw how talented she is in a fight."

"She's going to go after Cersei no matter what so she may as well have an army behind her," I sighed. "I wonder if I can convince her to fight on Drogon?" Sansa and Missandei burst out laughing.

"Your grace, my lady." I heard a voice from the door that I forgot to close after pulling Sansa in. "Sir Brienne," the blonde smiled. "I was just going to tell you we can here you from down the hall," I blushed. "Was anyone but you there?" She shook her head. "Okay thank you for telling us Sir Brienne," I smiled at the knight.

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