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"Hey Brother, Are you heading to work?" I asked walking downstairs 

"Yes I am, I will be heading to the store this afternoon would you like me to get you anything?" He asked 

"Just (F/D) and (F/S)" I answered now wide awake  

"Alright I should be home by 6, Don't get into, too much trouble Munchkin," He told me 

"Bro I'm 14 I can handle myself," I tell him as I roll my eyes 

"still, Just be careful," He says almost pleading 

"I will" I roll my eyes 

"Bye!" He waves and heads out the door 

"Bye Harp, Be careful out there.." I trail off

As I'm heading to the park I see a group of children running around, one of them comes up to me and gives me a flower "thank you!" I say to the child. He starts to run back to his group of friends, after while I find a good spot to sit. 'I wonder if I could try the entrance exams,' As I think about UA, a boy comes up to me. 

"This is my spot but I don't mind sharing," he says 

"Oh" I respond bluntly 

"what are you doing here?" I say trying to start a conversation

"I'm trying to stay away from my dad, what about you?"

"I just came here because it's relaxing," I say sadly

"I'm Shoto Todoroki," Todoroki says with his hand out

"I'm (f/n) (l/n)" I respond quickly

"well I'll see you around (y/n)" todoroki says

"yeah...see you," I say

"hm.." todoroki hums as he walks away 'somethings bothering them but I can't put my finger on it..'

I stand up and start walking to a small cafe across from the park, As I walk in a somewhat familiar boy starts screaming at a red-haired boy. I ignore them and sit down at a table in the corner of the cafe.

"Hello," the waitress says handing me a menu

"Hello," I say taking the menu from her

"I'll be back when you're ready to order," she says somewhat skipping away

I glance at the menu and see a caramel frappe and red velvet cake. 'hm that looks interesting' I think to my self as I continue to look through the menu, As I figure out what I'm ordering the waitress comes back

"Have you decided yet?" the waitress says

"Yes, can I get a caramel frappe and red velvet cake please?" I say nicely

"Of course!" she responds after writing my order down on a small sheet of paper

I look over and the blond boy is staring at me, as soon as we make eye contact he looks away. I take out my phone and start to play some games while waiting, as soon as I start I get interrupted by the blond boy and the redhead. 

"Hello! I'm Ejiro Kirishima and this is Katsuki Bakugou" Kirishima says to me sweetly

"Hello I'm (f/n) (l/n) nice to meet you," I say as I wave to both of them

Bakugou Scoffs so I scoff back and Boi did he get angry,

"You wanna fight EMO?!" He yells at me 

"n-no...." I stutter 

"That's what I thought," He says while scoffing 

"Bakubro that's not very manly," Kirishima tells him 

Apposing Ends (MHA x Reader) (They/Them pronouns)Where stories live. Discover now