Strange how we decorate pain

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I fancied you'd return the way you said
Even if i grow old and forget your name
( I think i made you up in my head )
- Sylvia Palth

Dear B,
I'm glad you're not here yet. My life is a limbo right now i dont wanna cause you any trouble with. And that no wind blows everytime you're around me and I'm nowhere but in my room everytime you think of me and there's no rooftop, no brown eyed boy sitting next to me compelling me to have one last heart to heart conversation. So in short I don't have to open up to anyone. In short i can say whatever goes in me without any butterflies or warning signs. Thanks to you for being my solitude and reason of gratitude.
And i hope when i make it out of this, you'll be there waiting for me in flesh and blood with shadows, everytime the sun's behind. You're there to love me like you always said. You are there for me to praise my scars and battle wounds. And wherever you are right now don't worry I'll be everything you hope me to be-you'll just know it. 'Till then,
I love you-i will always do till the end of my days and beyond. You're the best part of me.



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