When you are on your period

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A/N just a question. Do you guys like when I put images for every character in this book?

- He will ask mito san for help
- He will treat you good and give you lots of cuddles
- He will go out and buy whatever you need
- He won't get mad at you when you have mood swings

- He doesn't really understand why you are bleeding but he will be kind to you
- Will call Gon for help
- He will give you chocolate and hug you when you feel sad
- Get mad when you have mood swings but will hug you right after

- He knows what a period is and will try his best to help you when he can
- When he gets home from work he will bring home chocolate, ice cream and pads or tampons.
- He will cuddle you in bed while you are asleep

- He is a doctor so he obviously knows what a period is
- He will get you everything you need and try to not  be a pervert
- Is very comforting

- Doesn't fully understand but will try to be kind
- Goes out reluctantly to buy period supplies and food
- Gives you cuddles
- Listens to you because he doesn't want to get on your bad side

- Poor boy doesn't understand a thing and is clueless
- He goes out and asks Hisoka for help
- Buys things you need with the help of Hisoka and his girlfriend
- Will give you cuddles and makes sure that you are comfortable
- Will attempt to make food for you

- Will steal anything you need
- Call the troupe to help
- Gives you the best cuddles

- Is extremely confused but will help you
- Gets everything by you need and cuddles with you
- Will try not to get you mad

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