Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Harry's POV

"Harry?" A soft voice called out to me, I looked over at Hermione.

"Yeah?" I asked dreading what was coming next.

"What was Professor Snape doing here?"

"He was bring potions to Madame Pomfreythat see needed for me." I could see on her face that she did not believe what I was saying, but I mean I can't blame her for it. I have been running off so much that they were wondering what was going on. Ron pulled my attention from her as he started to speak.

"Mate whatever, how are you feeling? That was a pretty bad fall."

"I'm fine, Madame Pomfrey Says that I can leave in a couple of hours."

"That's great Harry, if Professor Snape hadn't been there you would not be so good." Hermione Told me as she sat down in the chair that dad had recently occupied.

"I know."

For a couple more hours they both stayed and talked, not wanting to leave. That was when Madame Pomfrey came and ushered them out, so she could do one more scan.


"No buts mister Weasley, out you go."


"Ron it's okay I will be up after a while." They did not like it but soon they walked out on their way to the tower.

Ron's POV

"Wait Hermione didn't she say that the scan would only take a minute, why did he say he would be up after a while."

"I don't know Ron."

"Let's wait and see where he goes."

"I don't know Ron, Harry will let us know what is going on when he is ready."

"Come on Hermione you have been wondering what he was doing for a while, it could be our chance to find out." I could see her pondering over the idea.

"Okay." We ran behind the pillar when we heard the door open. We watched Harry look around as if he was seeing if anyone was watching, as soon as he determined that no was around he started to walk away. The thing was it was not the detection as the tower. He took twists and turns until he came to the stairs that lead down to the dungeons, where in the world was he going. He soon came to a portrait of a snake. He looked around one more time and then soon hissed at the picture, it sung open and Harry slipped inside.

We raced back to the tower, not sure what to think.


"I know Ron."

"Hermione he went to the dungeons, what was he doing down there?"

"I don't Know Ron, we will ask him when he comes up."

"Okay, I don't like this."

"Me neither Ron, me either."

Snape's POV

As soon as Harry's friends had come in I left, if I would have stayed they would have wondered what was going on. I hoped that Harry would come down tonight, I really wanted to see him. I had come so close to losing him again, there was no way that was going to happen. The door opening brought me out of my thoughts, I looked up and saw Harry come through.



"How are you feeling Harry?" Harry came over and sat down next to me.

"I am feeling fine, I am just a little tired."

"Why don't you read your book, and rest for a little while?" He nodded his head, and leaned against me. I summed his book along with mine, Harry mumbled a thank you and opened his book. It didn't take long tell Harry's book fell from his hands and onto the carpeted floor, his head fell against my shoulder. I warped my arm around him, and continued on with my book. About 10 P.M. I decided to get Harry to bed, I looked down at him and saw how peaceful he looked. I hated to disturb him but I knew he needed to get to bed. I gently shook him awake, and watched as his bright green eyes opened.

"hmmm." he mumbled, not wanting to get up.

"Come on Harry." I pulled him up off the couch, and was about to lead him to the door to the hall.

"No, I want to stay here tonight."

"I don't know Harry, your friends are waiting for you to come back."

"I don't care, Please?" He looked up at me wanting me to say yes.

"Fine you little brat."

"Thanks." I led him over to the door that led to his room, I slowly opened his brown wooden door and led him into the room. As soon as he was in his room he flopped down on his gold and green bed and started to fall asleep.

"Oh no mister you're going to go go take a shower then change before going to bed." I told him in a stern voice. I could hear Harry groan and tried to press himself down into the bed even more, hoping that I would leave him alone.

"Come on get up."


"No buts get up." I came over and started to push him, soon he landed on the floor with a small thump.

"Fine, you suck."

"I know I know, off you go." He got up slowly and headed for the bathroom. It didn't take long for him to come out of the bathroom dressed in a blue t-shirt and jogging pants, he mumbled a quiet goodnight then went to his bedroom. It had been a crazy day, it was definitely time to go to bed. 

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