Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Draco's POV

Damn Potter, it was his fault that I was late to lunch and that I was stuck with detention. All I meant was for him to trip not slam into the wall but no he always had to do things over the top. What was he doing in the dungeons anyways? There was no way he decided to become a bookworm over the course of the summer, there had to be something else going on and I planned on figuring out just what it was. Making my way back up to the castle from where Flinch had me doing some work outside for one of my detentions I saw a figure in the distance running out the castle doors, slipping behind a tree I waited to see who it was. Potter it was Potter running, this was the perfect time for a little revenge. Making sure he had moved farther away from the path so that he couldn't see me following him I quietly made my way down the hill after him.

I thought Potter would have stopped before the forbidden forest but no this idiot runs right past the entrance and doesn't stop, stopping just before the tree line I looked back towards the castle to make sure nobody had followed him out. With the coast clear I slipped past the trees into the forest, trying to keep up with the boy who lived. Trying would be the key word with the speed Potter was still running I quickly lost sight of him and soon I was not sure where he went, huffing I turned around to head back only to find I had no idea what direction I needed to go

"Damn..." Slipped past my lips, this was just great I was lost in the forbidden forest.

Snape's POV

(This starts just after Snape leaves harry in their quarters)

I want to strangle that Weasley boy for causing Harry so much pain this kid was supposed to be his best friend, some friend he was. Walking towards the slytherin common rooms I tried to calm down as much as I could, by the time I had reached the entrance I had my emotionless mask back in place. Giving the password I stepped through into the busy room, as it was the weekend a lot of my snakes had converged in the common rooms. Making my rounds checking on them and offering help to some that looked like they were struggling with their classwork, I came upon Draco.


"Professor." Draco greeted back, while I was still mad at what had happened with Harry he was still my godson.

"You have a detention in a few minutes, Correct?" I asked

"Yes sir I was just heading out"

"I'll walk you out then, come along." Nodding Draco said bye to his friends and followed me out the door, he did not speak until we were alone.

"Severus?" Sighing I turned to look at him

"Yes Draco?"

"Why'd you get so mad the other day, it was just Potter."

"It doesn't Matter if it was Potter or not you attacked another student." I told him calmly, while yes it did matter that it was Harry I couldn't tell him that yet.


"No Draco you can't go around attacking other people because you feel like it, doesn't matter who it was." I told him in a stern voice, while his father saw it fit to raise him like this I did not. I have tried over the years to lead Draco down the right path, not the path I took at his age.

"Yes sir..." Came his reply, looking over at the young boy I sighed

"Draco I want you to come to my quarters after dinner, there is something we need to discuss tonight." Looking over at me he asked

"What is it?"

"Not now Draco, it's not a conversation to have in the open and you have somewhere to be." I told him

"Now go along, you're going to be late and I have work to do." Nodding he took off down the hall leaving me standing there alone, shaking my head I turned and headed towards my office. I had papers to grade.

Time Skip

Soon enough it was time for lunch, most of the time I would have just ordered a house elf to bring me something in my office but I had to make sure Harry showed up like I told him to. Making my way through the castle I noticed a few lingering students talking in hushed groups, but as I walked by they went quite. So the boy had spread the news as he said he would, great. By the time I had reached my spot at the head table I knew for a fact that the news had reached the entire student body as for the great hall went completely silent when I walked in, taking my seat I watched the door waiting for my son. After a few minutes the talking started up again only louder, that was when Harry walked in. Just as when I walked in the great hall went silent but Harry froze, I could tell he was going to freak as he stood there watching his fellow classmates start to whisper. Rising from my seat to get my son out of there Ron Weasley threw his head back and laughed, Harry ran. I started to take off after him when the headmaster grabbed my arm

"Give him some time my dear boy" Snarling I wretched my arm back

"With all due respect Headmaster, that's my son and I'm needed elsewhere." With that I was stalking down the aisle and out the doors, I had to find Harry.

(AN: I know a lot of stories make Snape out to be a bad guy that doesn't care for his students but in mine it is just a front he puts up, but with his snakes he really does care.)

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