Chapter 36- Friendship

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It's almost time guys!!!!

Harry's POV

I've never opened up to anyone. Ever. Only Steven. The man who sheltered me and turned me into who I am today. It helped me survive in this cruel world. wherever he may be, I hope he is watching over me like he always has.

I got off the bed and quietly walked over to  the bathroom to get dressed. I had to accompany Liam to and the rest of the guys to a night out. They have been planning this party, more like an 'all guys out' night. Of course since I now have Jocelyn I can't do much but no one ever said I couldn't watch.

"Harry?" I heard a sleepy voice call out

I ran out and saw a painful looking Jocelyn curled into a ball and squeezing her lower tummy.

"Tummy ache love?" I asked

She shook her head, so then I furrowed my eyes in confusion. What in the world is wrong with her?

"Mind running to the pharmacy for me?" She asked

"What why?" I whined

She batted her eyelashes "I need some feminine stuff" She hinted

"oooohhh!" I said "Bloody Mother Nature came back to punish you?" I laughed

She grabbed the pillow and threw it at my head. I chuckled and walked back to her and set the pillow in between her legs. I stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"Okay I'll be back." I said and then stopped "When I come back I can't stay long"

She jolted up "Aww why? I'm lonely in this house..."

"I'm sorry" I mumbled and walked out




Lonely. Yeah I felt lonely and Harry didn't seem to be fazed at all. I don't know if he caught the hint that I wanted him to move in or vise-versa. I stood up and stared at the red stain on my white sheets. Crap. I rolled my eyes while I pulled the duvet out and rolled it up and headed for the laundry room and set it into the washer. When I finished, I walked into the bathroom and stepped into the shower. I hate these god awful days. They are so effen annoying.

There was a call coming and I had to step out of the shower and dry off before answering. I swiped the icon and wrapped the towel around my body.

"Hello?" I asked

"Jocelyn, I was wondering if you can come with me today to get the bridesmaids dresses fitted?" asked the voice I recognized as Elizabeth's

"Uhm.." I really didn't want to go anywhere because of my problem, but she had very little time for the fitting so in that case..

"Okay" I sighed

"Great! I'll be there in 30! see ya!" She chirped and hung up before I told her to give me an hour.

A knock on the bathroom door interrupted my thoughts. I was about to open it when the door burst open.

Note to Self: Lock bathroom doors at all times

"Harry I could have been naked!" I snapped

He chuckled "Not anything I won't see sooner or later" he winked and tossed me the Walgreens bag.

"I got you infinity pads. It said it was the best kind" He smirked

I rolled my eyes "whatever"

"Hey I had to go into the feminine section to get you those don't you think I deserve a little show?"He pouted

I laughed at this "Not unless you want to see period blood!" I teased

"UGH! Adios!" he said and shut the door "I don't do blood" He shouted from the other side of the door.

I chuckled and changed.




"So Liz is coming?" He asked before he grabbed his hoodie.

I nodded "Yeah she wants to get fitted for the dress" I whined

"Well then I'm sorry. I'll come by around 9 pm if you want. I'll bring you chocolates, I heard they were good for women on their periods." He grinned

"Yes, and spend the night?" I asked and gave him the puppy eyes

I chuckled "Yes and spend the night" He repeated

"Yay! I love you" I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips. he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

"I have to go Liam must be waiting upon my arrival. I'll text you to see how the fitting went" He said

"OKay" I said and watched him leave.




"just choose a dress!" I snapped at Liz

She glared at me and rolled her eyes, "Girl what wrong with you? You've-

She stopped mid sentence and placed the dress back on the rack and walked over to me. She took my arm and didn't say a word. She dragged me out of the store and told me to get in the car. Everything was happening so quick. One time shes nagging and the other she's going away.


"Shush dear" She cooes and goes into In-N-Out. She orders two double- doubles which sound so darn good right now and then stops by at Starbucks and orders two Flat White. We drive away with all this  food and then arrive at my home. I haven't dared ask her what in the darn world is going on. She got off and helped me take the food in. She grabbed the remote and turned on Netflix and sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to her.

"What is all this running about of?" I asked with a grin

She smirked "Girl, you're on your rag. You should have told me and we would have done this another time. Now lets watch movies and eat." She smiled

"Fuck I love you Liz." I hugged her

She smiled "Oh I know" She beamed "and I love you" She poked my cheeks.

The movie ended and she fell asleep on my lap. Niall had texted her but I replied as me and told him she had fallen asleep and that it was fine with me if she stayed he agreed and will check up on her tomorrow morning.

The door burst open causing me to jump in fear but when I saw a mess of curls in the darkness I knew it was Harry.

"Jesus Harry you scared me!" I held my hand over my heart

"Who's that on your lap?" He sneered

I smiled and looked down at Liz "Liz, she fell asleep. We didn't end up going on the fitting." I smiled

"Why?" He closed the door

"She didn't want me to suffer while I was on my period so we came home watched netlfix and stuffed our faces."I chuckled

"Oh I see" he said "Here's those chocolates" He winked

"Thanks babe, hey mind caring her to her old room?" I asked

"I mean I guess" he shrugged.

He came back from her room and sat next to me and kissed my cheek, "so you and Liz go way back huh?" He asked and rested his head on my lap

"Yeah we have known each other since Middle School and became good friends in High School" I said

"She's a good friend, you know she was always by your side when you were at the hospital" He added "I know and I thank her and love her for that."

"More than me?" He pretended to be hurt

I laughed "Honestly yes but in different love scales. Her is the friendship scale yours is the couple scale." I winked and kissed him.

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