The sewers

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That voice echoed throughout. 

I opened my heavy eyelids, only to find myself enclosed in darkness. Still covered in mud, from head to toe, I could see footsteps trailing from behind towards my position. A faint glow formed in the distance. 

"Mom? Dad?"

No! What is this? Why can't I move? How am I numb? Why is there blood beside me? This is a dream, isn't it? 

The glowing images moved faster towards me as the darkness began to engulf them. Flashes of Reese's death, Russell's face, Ed's darkening eyes came to light. 

"We never loved you, freak!" A hoarse, deep voice came from behind.

More came. A shrill, sing-song voice followed. 

"Who are you even? Do you even think you are worthy in my life?" 

"You caused nothing but trouble."

"ENOUGH! I don't know you and I don't need you! GO AWAY!"

"What do you think about us then?"

Suddenly, I could see a pile of bones picked clean laying right in front of me. Blood rushed from every single orifice in my body. I cried tears of blood, rushing down my face. Suddenly, all my family members and loved ones appeared.

I tried to speak, but my lips would not form words. 

"You never said you needed us." Amanda whispered before she turned into a pile of ash. The wind blew her away. 

No! Please, not the rest of my friends and family too! Stay with me, someone, anyone!

All my friends and family dissipated into ash from head to toe. All but one. Ed was there. Completely undressed. He came close to me and gently grabbed my jaw, like he always does when he wanted to kiss me. I couldn't move, nor could I do anything.  

Instead of a kiss, he whispered in my ear, "I never said I loved you."

He then went behind me, into the darkness, into the night. I had no control over my body whatsoever. I abruptly ran to the woods behind me, trying to find something. But what? What did I want, really in my life? Was it good glory, talent, or strength? Where was I heading? Where am I? Who were the people who tried to be there for me in my life at timed of grief and darkness? Was I even supposed to turn to the dark side?  

Amidst the thick fog and barren trees, all I could smell was my demise and death. Gusts of wind ominously surrounded me, as if I were to be sucked into some other dimension. All of a sudden, it stopped, and a black, hooded figure stood right in front of me. A hand reached out, and all its flesh was picked clean, leaving the shiny, polished white bones underneath. It carried a scythe behind it.

"Come," it said. "Child. Come with me." A soothing voice came from under the cloak. I never heard a voice like it before, it was somewhat a mix between a man and female's voices. I didn't know why I reached out my hand and held it. I came to a tunnel under the bridge. It was completely dark inside. 

"You're now on your own. I believe you can do it." it whispered as its bony fingers ran through my neck. The hooded figure was gone. I just stood there and I regained control over my own body. I looked at my clothes, which suddenly turned white and clean. I then noticed the bracelet on my hand and touched my neck. The necklace was gone. Echoes whispered from the walls of the dark tunnel under the bridge. A creek went through it. I stepped into the dark, and the water lit up. I somehow felt... brave, happy and hopeful. A white speck of light appeared in the other end of the tunnel. I tried to run towards it, but it seemed to keep going further and further. I did not want to look back. Soon enough, I came to a pathway and kept going forward for some reason. I need to go back to the real world. I must not give up, not today. Another crossroad appeared, and I looked at both left and right. 

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