Chapter 4

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Team 7 were currently sitting on the roof. 

Kakashi; Alright, tell me your likes, dislikes, hobbies and future dream

Naruto; You go first

Sakura; You seem fishy

Kakashi; Alright, My name is Kakashi, my likes don't feel like saying same goes for dislikes, hobbies, I do a lot of things and dream I really haven't thought of it

Sakura; All we got was his name

Kakashi; You *points to Naruto*

Naruto; My name is Naruto Uzumaki, My likes are Ramen and when Iruka pays for Ramen, my dislikes are waiting for ramen, and my dream is to be the Hokage so that everyone will stop disrespecting me an treat me like I'm someone, someone important

Kakashi; He sure grew up in an interesting way. And your hobbies?

Naruto; Training I guess

Kakashi; You ? *points to Sakura

Sakura; My name is Sakura Haruno my likes are *looks at Kurayami and Sasuke then squeals* My hobbies are *looks are Kurayami and Sasuke then squeal*

Kakashi; Girls these days care more about love than being a ninja Your dislikes ?

Sakura; NARUTO!!

Naruto sulked

Kakashi; *Points to Sasuke*

Sasuke; My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I don't really like anything, this is not a dream for I shall make it a reality, and kill a certain someone" He said

Kakashi; Well, you're the last one

Kurayami; You all know my name, that's enough

Everyone sweat dropped

Kakashi; Tomorrow, meet me at the training field outside the school, in the morning... and don't eat break fast or else, you'll throw up,

Sakura; Why?

Kakashi; For a survival exercise

Kurayami; 'He has no intention to make us train hard at all, but anyway, I can stay without food for a week, and still have enough strength to fight'

Sakura; But we did those in the academy

Kakashi; This one is a bit different

Naruto; What do you mean?

Kakashi; You sure you want to know why

Naruto; Yeah

Kakashi; You have a 60% chance of failing and going back to the academy

Naruto; Wha, but we already passed the genin exams

Kurayami; I'm guessing the genin exams we're just to cut out the waste of space, this is the real exam isn't it

Kakashi; Correct, well you guys should go home while Kurayami should stay here

Kurayami; I've grown use to it

Sakura; Why?

Kakashi; Well, I guess they should know

Kurayami; I'm an assassin, why else

Naruto; An assassin

Kurayami; Apparently they gave me a cliche name called the grim reaper

Naruto; No wonder you act like a jerk

Kurayami; Well at least this jerk is way more smarter than you'll ever be

Naruto; Grrr, I've had it with you, you think you're better than me

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