CHAPTER 10 (Final Chapter)

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Forever Together

Hueningkai fidgets in the plastic chair nervously, Yeonjun squeezes his hand to help the maknae calm down. They were brought to the current leader of the camp to explain what they've learned while Jungkook looks over the other two.

"I see….. this is great news.. if it's true that is… thank you boys." the man in charge told them and they were dismissed. Hueningkai still feels a sort of numbness, he couldn't properly think even as he walked through the small crowd of people with Yeonjun clinging to him for support.

He hears a mumbling of someone talking but could not make out the words, he sees figures after figures of actual people instead of walking dead corpses but could not make out the faces.

They were told the camp used to be bigger, but a sudden breach caused them to shrink in numbers and currently there are only around 358 survivors left, that explains the active horde that attacked them. Yeonjun is trying to snap Hueningkai back to reality but the boy seems so lost in a daze he doesn't even faze when they reach the med tent and Yeonjun is ripped away from him.

There are a few people laid on the floor resting or being treated but Yeonjun's eyes immediately search for his other two bandmates. The boy nearly feels his heart stop beating at the sight of a certain someone, she is hugging Beomgyu tightly whilst the boy himself is too deep in shock to process anything.

The woman darts her eyes and sees Yeonjun, her teary face breaking into a relief smile. "Yeonjunnie!" she makes her way over to him in only a few strides and embraces him warmly while muttering thanks to god. "Thank god you're alive... you're okay.." Yeonjun who is stunned speechless can't even begin to tell her she shouldn't be hugging him, she shouldn't be so glad that he was alive.

Not when they let her only son die.

"Mrs. Kang…" He whispers, why oh fucking why does fate likes to twist them like this. The middle aged lady keeps hugging him, tears of gratitude dripping on Yeonjun's awfully ruined clothes. She pulls away and cups his face with care, Yeonjun swears the guilt in the pit of his stomach could eat him alive.

"We're gonna be okay…. we're safe here."

She moves away from him to repeat the same actions with Hueningkai, the boy breaking apart at last when his late best friend's mother envelopes him in a warm hug that anchors him back to reality. The tall boy crumbles into a sobbing mess in her arms, incoherent words spilling out and filling the once relatively quiet tent.

The eldest of the group swallows a gulp, hands gripping hard on a chair to support himself while searching for his voice to say something. "I'm sorry…" he manages to mumble out while dropping his gaze to the dirt on the ground.

"Is he here?! Where is he?! Where's my brother?!" What seems to be a female soldier based on her attire barges in with haste followed by two men. One of the men gasps, his legs moving automatically to Jungkook who is tending Beomgyu and pulls him into a tight embrace.

He can't stop sobbing as he cradles the idol in his arms, hands buried in Jungkook's untied shoulder length hair while occasionally planting a kiss on his cheeks and forehead. "You're alive…. you're alive." his voice wavers with astonishment and relief.

Jungkook's eyes are wide like saucers, his body freezing as he was pressed against the other body, his warmth is something he hadn't felt in a long while but familiar nonetheless. "Oh my g-god, I thought... I t-thought…" he looks up to the person, and lets his dam break.

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