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- with a mandolin lulling her to sleep.


with months passing,
the bruise on [name]'s leg has finally recovered.

but she insisted to keep wearing her bandages,
she had gotten used to them, and is usually cold without it.

after finishing her meal,
she immedietly caught up to leslie.

who was at their favorite place,
he stopped strumming his mandoline once he saw her figure.

with a shy wave, the male greeted his only friend,
as she did the same, and sat infront of him.

the female sketching on her notebook,
and the boy silently admiring her.

their days were always like this,
engulfed with silence and admiration.

the other oblivious to.
the maiden was confused on how they became friends.

but nonetheless, appreciated leslie's presence,
it was calming and one, of innocence.

and later evening,
would be conny's time to be adopted.

the [hair color]-ette/ie female
had drawn a potrait of conny.

luckily for her, she was good at observing,
nearly all of the details of conny was there.

as time passed, it was finally night.

leslie offered the other, his hand and she accepted,
and they went back to the house.

"hey mom, can you hand this to conny?"
[name] requested as she handed isabella the art.

isabella nodded at the younger girl,
[name] did this everytime there was an adoption.

she was glad to have a child like her,
growing in her orphanage.

[name]'s figure ran off the distance,
most likely catching up to leslie.

isabella placed the drawing in conny's suitcase.

with conny greeting isabella right after,
"hello mama! i finally found little bunny."

isabella's lips curved into a smile,
"well, it's time to go now conny."

the blonde's smile was replaced with her lips quivering,
her tears glistened in her eyes. "but, mama.. i don't want to go

i want to stay!"

isabella felt an aching feeling in her chest,
but she remained calm.

"now now.. [nickname] has a surprise for you in your suitcase,
you can check it once you've met up with your new-found family."

conny's mood brightened at mama's words,
a surprise! conny was excited to find it out.

they went to the main entrance, as conny finally said her goodbyes.

[name], together with leslie washed the dishes.
whilst a conversation seemed to occur by the main room,

she couldn't make up who the people were though,
but she tried to recognize them from the voice.


"she left little bunny?"
a voice calmer from the other questioned.

"i can still see the light from the gate,
you both can still make it."
another one stated.

"thanks ray!"
finally a confirmation-
so it seems the one who said they can make it was ray..

"good luck.."

conny and little bunny?

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