Chapter - 22

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Hi! Play this audio when I tell you. (Listen from 0:37) This mix has been in my mind like a loop for almost two weeks. Anyways, let's jump right back into it.

Riley's PoV:

I am very excited. Gosh this one boy is making me feel millions of emotions. As soon as Andrew dropped me, I texted Allie.

She immediately called me.

"Riley. Oh my God. Oh my God.!!" She was screaming on the phone.

"Uh. Rest in peace to my eardrums!" I said.

"Riley, I am coming over tomorrow to prep you for your date and other things" She replied.

"What other things?" I asked

"You silly girl" She said

"Whatever" I replied.

Today is the day I am going on date with Drew. I am giggling to myself like lovesick puppy

"Yes, you are. Gosh, this you is freaking me out." My inner voice said.

"Sure sure!" I said

"Sarcasm duly noted!" My inner voice replied.

"Glad you caught that!" I said

"What's got you all hyped up on a Saturday morning?" My Mom asked me

"Mom! Drew is taking me out" I said subtly

"As in a date?" My Mom asked me raising her eyebrows at me.

"Who's going on a date?" My brother and dad asked at the same time.

"Riley is" I said addressing myself.

"Is that right?" My dad asked.

"Yes,Dad. Ikindalikehim!" I said in a one breath.

"I didn't quite catch that" My dad said laughing knowing exactly what I said

"Okay, Dad. You all were right. I like Drew. A lot!" I said it finally.

It felt so good to admit which I was in denial about.

"Finally!" My dad said.

"Huh?" I asked confused

"Riles, you thought I am going to oppose this? No. Cause your mother was the same when she fell in love with me" My dad said.

"Oh shut up, Daniel!" My mom said blushing.

"Whoa whoa. If he breaks your heart, I am going to go ninja on his ass" My brother said.

"You are the best, you know that?" I said and side hugged him.

"You bet. I am" My brother said laughing

"Come on. Let's have breakfast" My dad said.

After breakfast, I was just passing the time. Alex has left for a road trip with Sarah. My parents have gone grocery shopping.


Drew💙: will pick you up at 5.

Me: okay babe. 😌

Drew💙: I could get used to this.

Me: Come on, Sweep me off of my feet. Wont be that easy

Drew💙: betcha.

Me: let me see that.

Drew💙: 😉😉😉😉😉

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