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Chapter 1: Strawberry Shortcake


High school.

Almost all of the first years entered the school with either a grin plastered on their face or a nervous look. Some of them were gathered beside the shed waiting for their group to be completed, while some were roaming their eyes as they scanned how huge the place is - unable to stop themselves from gawking.

Although it's understandable for them to be awed, the seniors couldn't help themselves but to giggle as they watched the lower years enjoy their moment. If only they knew what awaits them. They thought.

"Wow," that was her first word when she finally landed her feet in front of her dream school, Karasuno High. A smile crept across her face as she eyed the place, just like the other first years, she wasn't able to suppress her emotion.

She always dreamed of studying here ever since she saw how his older cousin represented the volleyball team of the said school during the Spring InterHigh - they called him the little giant. Although she doesn't possess any sign of being an athlete, she still wants to be a part of the team.

Of course, her older cousin was shocked when he heard the news. It was a long week of conversation with him since he doesn't stop talking about how great Karasuno's volleyball team was especially during his time. Those weeks were precious for her, not only because he treated her to her favorite ice cream parlor, but also because she learned everything that is related to volleyball; the position of each player, their roles, the signs, and the jargons.

Another thing that pushed her to join the volleyball team is to see how the flightless crows fly again. There's a hope in her heart that she will see the fallen champions rise again, and she deeply believes that this is the time where the Karasuno's volleyball team will shine, once again.

"Greetings, first years! Welcome to Class I-3," the lady announced in front, "I will be your class adviser for the whole year..." and she goes on with the introduction.

There wasn't much activity given since it was still the first day of class, and all they did was to introduce themselves which bored the hell out of her - she thought that she will not be doing it since it was already over during her junior high school, but she was completely wrong.

As lunch came by, she immediately asked the seniors where the volleyball gym was located, and luckily they didn't mislead her. Once again, a smile creeped on her face as she walked towards the closed door of the gymnasium. Even from a distance, she can hear the spikes of the players, and the squeaking of their shoes on the gym floor - that, made her shiver.

"Udai-san, what are you doing here?" her gaze fell on the guy who called her family name. Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember that familiar face - cropped black hair and a fringe that hangs on his sharp-dark-blue eyes. As she stares longer (that earned a blush from the guy) she finally recognized him.

"Kageyama-san!" she slightly bowed her head as her classmate approached her, "Are you joining the volleyball team?" she asked.

Kageyama nodded his head, suddenly lost for words as the girl stares to him much longer than earlier.

"Oh, me too!" she exclaimed.

"Really? But how?" that was when she noticed that Kageyama wasn't alone. Her eyes shifted to the short oranged-hair guy beside Kageyama; his brown eyes were sparkling as she mentioned the word volleyball.

"Uhm, I will apply as the-" her words cut short as the door of the gymnasium opened, revealing a beautiful woman standing in front of them.

"Excuse me?" the beautiful woman softly spoke to them, all their gazes fell on her as she walked towards them. "What brings you here?"

I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ