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Chapter 2: Like her


[Name] has never felt this annoyed her entire life. Her fists beside her hips were tightly clenched as she tried her best to stop the urge of (literally) wiping the smug look plastered on the blonde’s face.

“Uhm, do you guys know each other?” someone boldly asked in the midst of tension building in the atmosphere.

“No,” they said in unison, sharp gazes were still intently fixed on each other.  

“[Name]-san,” a pair of hands that gently squeezed her shoulder were the only thing that put her back to normal. Kiyoko smiled at the noirette who suddenly felt embarrassed because of her moment of irrationality.  

“I’m sorry,” she apologized to the team, fists still clenching at her side.  Most of them just shrugged the awkward situation, while few of them remained curious — the oranged-hair and freckled guy to be exact. She cleared her throat first before introducing herself, “Hello, everyone. My name is Udai [Name], but you can call me [Name].”

“Starting today, she’ll also be your manager,” Kiyoko announced.

“Alright, let’s give our new manager a warm welcome,” said the silver-haired guy with a gentle smile on his face.

“Welcome to the club!” they cheered. Her clenched fists loosen as the warm feeling of being welcomed by the team engulfed her heart. The sight gave butterflies in her stomach as they offered her warm smiles from each of the player — of course, except the blonde.  

“Nice to meet you, [Name]-san. I’m Sawamura Daichi, the captain of the team,” the introduction was followed by the vice captain, Sugawara Koshi;  the second years, Kinoshita Hisashi, Narita Kazuhito, Ennoshita Chikara, and Tanaka Ryunosoke; then the short guy who always stick to Kageyama, Hinata Shoyo; the freckled guy, Yamaguchi Tadashi; and then there’s the tall blonde, Tsukishima Kei who coldly stated his name.

“I’ll do my best to be your manager!” After the short ‘get-to-know-the-names-of-the-team’, they proceeded to the practice — except for Kageyama and Hinata who were instantly kicked out by the captain after the introduction.

“Why aren't they part of tonight’s practice?” she curiously asked the beaut sitting beside her.

“They were punished by the captain for causing trouble,” [Name] only nodded her head in confusion, even though she wants to know the reason why, she refrained herself from asking questions and focused on the things she have to do as their manager.

Kiyoko instructed her to do the things she usually do; like make notes about the players’ improvement, assist them, and practice with them. The noirette’s eyes glimmered as if tears will start to fall on her eyes. Kiyoko asked her if she was alright in which she answered, “Definitely, I am just glad to be a part of this team.”

[Name] sat beside the beaut. The two were busy scribbling on their notes as they observed each players; from the way they serve, receive, spike, and block the ball.

The time flew by without her even realizing that practice already ended. She enjoyed watching the players on the court, she enjoyed every single moment she spent in the club, and it’s too sad that it ended sooner than she expected.

“Alright,” the captain clapped his hands to gain the attention of everyone, “We’ll continue the practice tomorrow morning, I expect everyone to be on time...” he said then glared at Tanaka who immediately looked away, “You may now start cleaning.”

“Let’s go home,” Kiyoko said. They were the first one to leave the school since staying up a little longer would make it hard for them to walk home since it’s getting dark. As they reached the school gate, they bid their goodbyes and walked separately.

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