A game

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felt something grabbed my left arm l was pull to the side I look up in fear to see that it was Spider Man.

I close my eye in Relief I was pull back into Reality as I was push to the side as Spider Man and carnage go at it I didn't want to stay around for to long I don't want to end up like all of other carnage Victims I shivered as I look at the two fight Dead .

I Turn around to see fire Escape that lead down ran to it started my way to the fire Escape I walk down the Rusty Metal stairs. I try not look down I was pretty high up I was on the third floor of Apartment building Damn I said quietly

I'm trying to head down the stair quickly before carnage get bored of spiders man come back looking for me again. Finally On solid Ground I ran out the alleyway I ran to find my stuff

(Carnage pov)
Look at want you done spider man you Ruined my little game I said as I swing a fist at him.

Spider man snapped back this what you call a game As He catch my Fist As he though me into the side wall I looked up at spider man as part of the symbiote was half off my face if you wanted to join are little game so bad you could of just ask

I Finally found my stuff and started walking down the street wow what a night I pull my phone out my pocket call a close friend. I waited a Minute for her to pick the phone.

"Hello" thank goodness she pick up the phone Hey (f/n) I wanted to ask if I can stay for the night I got kick out my Apartment I have no where to go so please can I stay. As I close my eye waited for Response back.

You got kick out your Apartment Damn that's really tough But yeah you can stay for the night you have to stay on the Couch for the night you got it.

thank you so much I'll be right there just knock on the door and I'll open the door for you okay see you there as I hang up.

(Carnage pov)
We getting no where with this stupid fight look at spider man again I laugh out loud I have fun play with you spider man but I Must go now I have business to attend to. Swing off the Building

(Spider man pov)
I try to Follow him but I felt a strong pain on my side I fell to my knee in Extreme pain holding my side pulled my hand up to see What's causing so much pain. My hand was Covered in blood

I fell on my back I look at my Side there was a huge gash Wound on my side how didn't I not noticed I might've been too much in the moment try getting back up as I Stumble to my feet as I hold my side I hope that girl all right

Fix some spelling errors 🙂

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