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"I can't believe it, this is my last year of high school."

"Well I can Chase. It's felt like you've been in high school for ever."

"Yeah, but Rubble, that's because I had to be held back after that car t-boned Dad and I, and I was in the hospital for 4 months with a coma." The older boy says, as shivers role down is body.

"Yeah. I remember that. You had us scared."

"I'm sorry. If I could have, I would have woken earlier, but you can't really control comas like that."

"Yeah I know." The younger one says as he lays on his back, staring up at the ceiling, letting his thoughts flow. "I miss Lewy." He says, bring up their late dog.

"I do too..." Chase says, as a small tear roles from his eye. "But we shouldn't dwell on the past. I don't want to go to bed thinking of that." He says, wiping the tear from his eye.

"Yeah. We have school to look forward to." Rubble says.

"Yep, we sure do," Before Chase could even finish his thought, he was cut off.

"You two going to bed? School starts tomorrow!" Called an older voice.

"Yep. Just getting to that, Dad." Chase calls back as he throws a sleeping shirt on before heading over to his bed.

"Chase, do you ever think we'll ever get another dog?" Rubble asks as he tucks himself into bed.

"I'm sure we will. It's probably just a matter of time before we do." The older boy says, as he gets into bed, and turns the lights out.

"Last year, can you believe it sis?"

"I can, but it's hard to. Last year before we are thrown out into the world to fend for ourselves." Ella says, laying on her bed, and looking out the window, into the night.

"Heh, something like that." Tuck says, and he opens up his phone, and starts looking around. "I call drivers seat for tomorrow."

"Bro, were taking the bus tomorrow, remember?" Ella asks, as she looks over to her brother.

"Oh yeah," Tuck says, as a light blush flows over him, and a puzzled look came over his face.

"But I thought we were able to take the small car?" He says, confused.

"No, remember Mom said that she's going to need to take it to work, because they are moving offices." Ella re-informes Tuck.

"O-oh," he replies, drawing out his response. "That's right."

"Yep. We should be getting to bed now, don't want to wake up late on the first day." Ella says, getting up from the window, and climbing up to her bed.

"Do you ever wish we could have our own bed rooms?" Tuck asks, as he looks through his phone for the last time that day.

"I do, but I'd rather share a room with you than Eddy." Ella says, pulling the best from this situation.

"Yeah, at the least your room is bigger. When do you think Uncle Zack is going to find himself a nice home?" Tuck asks, setting his phone down, and looking up towards Ella.

"I don't know, but I hope soon, just for his own sake. He needs a place for himself, some where that is his, and he call call his own home." She points out, looking down over to Tuck.

"Yeah, but while he and Eddy are here, I hope they enjoy them selves." Tuck says with a smile as he gets comfortable in his bed.

"That's right, and I hope they are." Ella says, ending the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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