Universal Language

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"People talk a lot about omens, thought the shepherd. But they really don’t know what they’re saying. Just as I hadn’t realized that for so many years I had been speaking a language without words to my sheep."

Even though the sheep didn't teach me to speak Arabic.

But the sheep had taught him something even more important: that there was a language in the world that everyone understood, a language the boy had used throughout the time that he was trying to improve things at the shop. It was the language of enthusiasm, of things accomplished with love and purpose, and as part of a search for something believed in and desired."

~The Alchemist

( It helped him in communicating later on. What he had learned helped him later in life. Past things happen because of a reason; they help in the future.)

Quotes - The Alchemist by Paulo CoelhoWhere stories live. Discover now