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[ Matthew's POV ]


"Fuck Jorel saw my cuts!"

I layed in my bed.

"I'm stressing! What if... No, I can handle him!... right?"

I took my phone from under my pillow and opened it. 3:00AM and I still haven't closed my eyes yet. Should I tell him the truth? No... not now.

I got out of bed, I barley slept. It was early in the morning and no one was awake, I walked to the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw the bags under my eyes. I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's me George, listen buddy, I don't want you here. Okay?! We don't want and need a fucking douchbag in our band!" He shouted.

"S-ays the idiot himself..." I shouted.

"What did I just do? George is much stronger than me!" I said to myself.

George kicked on the door.

"Come out and fight pussy!" He yelled.

I don't know what to do, stress, anxiety and anger flew through my head.

"Calm down Johnny!" A voice said. It was Jordon.

"Who's in there?!" He asked.

"Some kind of douchbag!" George said.

"And which douchbag are you talking about now?" Jordon asked a little pissed.

"...none.." I heard George say and he walked away.

Jordon knocked on the door.

"Who's in there?" He asked but I didn't answer.

All I could feel was pain at that moment. Pain and anger my blood boiled!

I grabbed a shaver and I carved it hard over my chest. I picked up a black hoodie from the heating and used it to suck the blood up.

I put on another black hoodie and I climbed out of the window. I sat down on a bench and Jorel walked up to me.

"Hey Matt, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I said.

"I thought.. because you are in our band now, you should give yourself an artist name." He suggested.

"Good idea! I was thinking about something with curls, because my hair is curly." I said.

"Hmm... what about the curls?"

"The curls? Hmmm.. I want something more special." I said in myself.

"Da Kurlzz? With dubble z?" I asked.

"Sounds nice! Da Kurlzz it is!" He said happily.

"Yea, I really like it!" I said.

"I also made a mask design." I said.

I showed him my white half smile mask on my phone.

"Looks good Kurlzzie!"

"Kurlzzie? Why do I feel my cheeks turning red?" I said in myself, I smiled at Jorel.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I heard someone scream.

Aron stormed outside with a black hoodie!

"It's all bloody!" He yelled.

I knew it was the hoodie I used to suck up the blood.

"That's gross.." Jorel said.

"Yeah I know it is..." I said in myself.

"Who could have done that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it's gross!" Aron said and he walked inside the bus.

{ 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 }

I sat down by a tree I just had another fight with George.

I'm a douchbag! I'm an idiot, why did I even sign up for this?! O yeah right, I wanted to make things better with George. But if he doesn't want me here, fine I'll leave!

I walked inside the bus, I avoid eye contact with everybody, I start to pack my stuff.

"What are doing?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw Jorel.

"Nothing, just moving bunks." I said.

"Ohhh.. okay..." He said.

"You motherfucker! I'm done with you!" Someone shouted.


I saw that Aron threw the hoodie at George, he stormed out of the bus with his suitcase and he slammed the door shut.

"I'm also leaving the band, the only thing ya'll do is fight!" Jeffrey walked our way.

"Hold up Jeff." I said.

I put all my stuff in my suitcase.

"I'm leaving with you!" I said.

"PUSSY!" George said.

"George shut the fuck up!" Jorel yelled.

"Matthew don't go-" I heard him say but I was already gone.

Me and Jeffrey ran after Aron.

"Trash band!" Jeffrey said.

"Yeah... hey Jeff, I'm sorry for what I did back then.." Aron said.

"..It's fine dude, everybody get's pissed some times..."

"It wasn't right what I did."

"It's fine okay!"

It was silent for a minute.

"I'm fucking done with them! Ohh and the most with George!" Jeffrey said.

"Same! He's a fucking asshole!"

"What happend between you guys?" Aron asked me.

"I got in a fight with him when I was drunk, I ended up stabbed him which was five years ago...." I said.

"Can't he grow up?" Aron asked.

"I know right.." Jeffrey said.

"He's probably the one that screwed up my hoodie!"

I didn't say anything.

I called a taxi. The taxi brought me away. Aron, Jeff and I all went separate ways at that moment.

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