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[ Jorel's POV ]


It has been more than a month since the guys left. I tried to locate Matthew his phone, I want to know where he lives.

I searched him up on instagram, I saw a post with the tagg home on one of his old account's. I don't know if he still lives there. He posted his address under it. I typed it in on my navigation and I got in my car.

I drove to that address and I knocked on the door. Someone with straight black hair opened the door.

"I'm looking for Matthew Busek." I said.

"Jorel what are you doing here?" He asked.

"How do you know my name?"

"You already forgot my name?" He laughed as he took his hood off.

"Matthew? Wow..uhh... you changed." I said.

"Just another haircut." He said and smirked.

He looked at me from head to toe.

"So what do you want?" He asked.

"I wanted to check on you.." I said.

"Wait, how do you even know where I live?" He asked.

"It's on one of your old instagram pages." I said.

"So you are a stalker~"

"No! I..I was worried!" I said while lookoig at my feet.

Matthew looked at me with a big rape face. I looked around and I pushed him inside the house and I started to kiss him.

"What am I doing?!" I said in myself.

Matty wrapped his hands around my neck and he kissed me back.


I looked behind me and I saw Johnny. I stared at him, rolled my eyes and continued making out with him. George was pissed! He growled and he threw a beer bottle at us and some pills. He stormed away, slammed his cardoor and drove away.

"What an idiot!" I said.

"Seriously, what is wrong with that man?!" Matthew asked.

"I don't know. I hope he changes, Jordon is going to take him to therapy." I said.

"Ha , good for him!" He said while he closed the door.

He grabbed a moth can and sweeper for all the glass that broke on the ground and the pills. I helped him but someone called me. I saw that it was Jordon.

"Excuse me Matty, I need to take this."

"Okay." Matthew said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Are you alright?! George said that Matthew beated you up!" Jordon said.

"Matthew didn't beat me up! George threw a bottle of beer at us. He's making this nonesence up in his dumb mind." I said.

Matthew walked over to me.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Jordon." I said.

Matthew came close to the phone.

"When is that therapy starting? Better be quick!" He said.

"Ohh, you are with Matthew!" Jordon said.

"Yes, he's doing fine, what about Aron and Jeff?" I asked.

"They are doing fine, Dylan called with Jeff and Aron contacted Danny!" He sighed.

"I hope we can fix this all and become the band we were before." Jordon said.

"Same, I hope George calms down a little, I think he has a lot of stress." I said.

"He has... He's here, well.. talk to you guys later!" Jordon said.


{ 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 }

I stayed at Matty's place the whole day.

"Jay you are going to sleep here, you are tired and I don't want you to be hospitalized again!" Matthew said.

"Don't worry about me, I'm not tired" I said while yawning.

"Liar! Come, you need to sleep!"

He leaded me to his room, he undressed himself till he was only wearing his underwear. I also undressed myself and got under the sheets. I fell asleep immediatly.

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